... is probably not a good title for a 'Friends only post' ;)
If you can deal with me being not the best commenter, as I am still on my "on and off" hiatus, because of crazy Uni work and work, then by all means, please comment to be added! :D
Just to point out though, I might have written a fic or two, but they will not be posted to this journal. This is entirely RL only, with the random splash of fannish glee over musicians etc.
I saw, that a lot of "Friends only posts" include a paragraph on friending policy so yeah, I suppose this is, where I should tell you, what gets you friended or unfriended, that is, if I can even be arsed to edit my friends to unfriend somebody ;) The thing is, I don't have a friending policy and I doubt, that I'll ever have one. All of my posts are f-locked, because I don't exactly fancy sharing my private life with everyone on the net.