SPN Art: For Zinny! Sam/Dean Kisssing.

Sep 29, 2007 00:20

A couple of weeks ago I promised zinnydark a drawing of Sam kissing Dean and embarrassing him in the process. Apparently that pic took way much longer to make that I've anticipated. But now FINLAY h it or rather they are being posted.

So it's not really a kiss but Dean looks a little embarrassed and the girl probably thanks who-ever that she remembered to install the camera in the bedside lamp earlier that day.

This will probably never be finished. But hey, it's got Bobby and a crappy Impala AND real kissing.

I just posted this for fun. :)

Hope you like them! :)

(I had originally planned on doing a comic but the I couldn't get my idea to work the way I wanted it, which ended with the sketch pad thrown across the room.)

art, slash, spn, sam/dean

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