SPN fic/drabble: Blood stained kisses Sam/Dean

Sep 11, 2007 00:11

Title: Blood stained kisses.
Author: Nimenic
Characters: Sam/Dean
Rating: R-ish
Warning: Vampire, blood!play and well you know Wincest.
Disclaimers: I can only dream.
A/N: Un-betaed all mistakes are my own.

Blood splatter stains the glass of the foul windows and smears up along the rickety wallpaper in the small motel room. The coppery scent fills the air and the smell of death lays heavy around the room penetrating ones nostrils.

"This is perfect." A voice says from the bed where its owner, a dark figure is bent over the dead twitching body of a young girl.

"Almost." Another voice replies from across the room by the flickering television and the sagging dead man in the chair besides it.

"What more can you want then this? A credulous warm loving family inviting two dark strangers into their humble motel room for coverage and care."

"You!" The taller of the two men states as he stands up from the body in the chair and moves toward the man on the bed.

"I haven't said no to you yet."

"Hope you aren't planning on doing so anytime soon."


"Mine." The taller man smiles as he crawls up on the bed and straddles the other man’s legs who in return answer his knowing smirk with one of his own.

"Well come on then I'm here for your taking." He whispers.

Sharp slightly bloodied fangs scrape a long neck, leaving two tiny slits pumping out blood that a following tongue quickly catches. A low growl echoes in the dark room as another set of fangs bites into the other also straining neck held still by two different hands one on each side of the long brown hair.

"Yours. As you are mine." The shorter vampire states between licks and fangs of blood.

"Always." The taller vampire raises his head and smiles down at the other before leaning down and capturing his lips in a raw bloodied kiss.

A kiss of their blood.

slash, fic, drabble, vampire!sam/dean, wincest, spn, sam/dean

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