Writing rambles and LJ Anniversary!!

Jun 17, 2007 23:24

I'm really trying to write my non-con SPN fic but the muse doesn't want to play. I even tried to feed it half naked gay men sticking pointy swords into one and other and blood flying all over, (also called 300)thinking that that must bring her in he mood for a good ol' torture fic of the wincesty kind.

Oh, how wrong I was. So in a few days you can probably expect a little Fanged Four ficlet, the BTVS fandom is apparently protesting the fact that I've been writing so much SPN fics lately.

But talking about SPN, I might have a SPN/Good Omens crossover fic in mind. As you already can guess it's very much indeed a crack fic. Or it will be if I ever write it.

Oh, I was about to forget, again. I've now had my LJ for three years and seven days!!! (my anniversary was june 10th.)

I love my f-list and I love my fandoms. Thank you all for making LJ such a lovely place to be apart of, despite the usual wanks and LJ screw-ups. :)

*hugs you all*

300, btvs, lj anniversary, good omens, rambling, the muse, fanged four, writing, movies, spn

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