Oh a meme

Nov 04, 2006 01:04

setje tagged me with this a few days ago. *huggles*

rules : Write a journal entry for this meme with ten random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends list and tag them - no tag backs. These rules should be included in your entry.

1. I have a tendency of starting up a whole lot of projects but I only end up finishing a few of them.

2. I’m technically challenged. I’ve crashed my computer, TWICE.

3. I can get very insecure about my art and writing and not draw or write anything for weeks.

4. I’ve been trying to finish ‘An interview with a vampire’ for six months now. (I keep forgetting that I’m reading it.)

5. I’ve only told one RL friend that I read and write slash. He gives me his full support. :)

6. I'm fascinated by horror movies but I can’t sleep after watching one without having nightmares.

7. I used to collect towel napkins; you know that kind you get on a plane. Don’t look at me like that; I know I was a weird kid. :)

8. I used to work with telemarketing. Yes, even I hated me.

9. I love Sweden but I want to leave.

10. I’ve been told that I need a man like NOW(you know for the sex). I whole heartedly agree. :)

I don't know who's done this and who hasn't so if you want to do it then go for it. :)


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