Channeling my inner Andrew

Jun 24, 2006 23:19

Gather around for a most unusual tale. A tale that I call;

The adventures of The German Man-Whore and The Mutant.

Or more commonly known as Spike and Angel.

If you wonder about why the new name for the boys it was not my idea. A friend of mine who doesn't share my love of BTVS or ATS asked me why I liked the series and I said that one of the reasons is Spike and Angel. Too which she replied that Spike looks like a german man whore and Angel he just looks like a mutant. *g*

Anyways I gone and got myself a GJ account as everyone else. I probably won't use it, but who knows it might be good to have as a back-up.

friends, angel, the mutant, spike, the german man whore

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