fluffy_spike drabbles

Apr 18, 2006 23:18

These are just two drabbles for the fluffy_spike challenge.

Prompt 9: Kiss
Title: Just one damned kiss
Author: Nimenic
Paring: Spike/Angel
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They sadly don't belong to me I just play with them.
A/N: Un-betaed. All mistakes are my own.

One damned kiss shouldn’t make him feel this way.
It shouldn’t make him weak in the knees and have him supporting himself on the person kissing him.
It shouldn’t leave his lips with this tingling sort of sensation
and make him lick his lips in hope too savour some of the taste.
He knew if he could still breathe, this one little kiss would have left him breathless.
And still here he was, with his eyes closed, his arms holding onto the bigger vampire in front of him, breathing in the scent and taste of his grandsire.
And it was perfect.

Prompt 30: Protection
Title: I promise
Author: Nimenic
Paring: None. Spike, Dawn, friends
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: Un-betaed. All mistakes are my own.

After Buffy’s death Dawn had refused to talk too anyone for days.
Willow, Tara, Xander even Anya had tried everything they knew to make her talk,
make her tell them how she felt, told her that she cloud cry in front of them,
that it was okay to feel sad. Giles had even taken to play the father role.
But she’d just shut her mouth even tighter and walked away.

The night of Buffy’s funeral, Dawn stayed behind long after the sun went down.
She didn’t hear him at first, it wasn’t until Spike was standing right next too her that she noticed him.

“It’s all my fault you know.” She said without even looking at him.

“Bollocks, it’s not your fault. Your sister sacrificed herself because she knew it was the right thing to do. It was her destiny.” He said while he sat down beside her.

“She did it to protect me. With both her and mom gone who will protect me now?” Dawn looked up at him with teary eyes.

“Don’t worry lil’bit. I’ll protect you from now on.” Spike said as he put his arms around her.

“I’ll protect her Buffy, I promised I would.” He whispered silently too the grave as he holds his arms close around the sobbing girl.

angel, spike/angel, spike, drabbles, btvs/ats, dawn, spangel

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