My fic for spring_spangel

Apr 17, 2006 00:59

Written for my day over at spring_spangel

Title: Behind Unlocked Doors: Two Things Wes and Lorne Never Saw
Author: Nimenic
Pairing: Spike/Angel
Rating: R or NC-17
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is just for fun.
Warning: Sillyness and horny vampiers.
A/N: This was actually two different ficlets that sorta became one. Uhm..yeah
Beta'd by: The lovely somecandytalkin. Thank you so much for taking time and helping me.
Summary: I think the title says it all.

It’s been one of those night’s, Lorne ponders, as he slowly and on unsteady legs ‘walks’ through the empty corridors of Wolfram & Hart. He could have gone home but the late night, the closeness of the office, and the way too many Sea breezes had left even an old school demon drinker like himself a little fuzzy around the edges.

But all in all he was feeling quite happy with himself. The meeting he’d attended tonight had been a success. A popular young actor had recently been signed on to do a controversial movie. Unfortunately for the young man, his agency hadn’t approved of the film; they felt that the kid was risking his very promising career by doing it, so he’d been looking for new representation.

Lorne, who’d had his eyes on the young actor, was quick to act. He’d offered the actor a new and better contract then he’d had with his old agency. Lorne had also told him that he’d had a personal interest in the movie and that he supported the actor in his very brave decision to do the film.

The actor had accepted and tonight he’d signed the contract with Lorne. After that, they’d spent most of the night talking about the movie, which was shooting somewhere in Canada-- Calgary, if Lorne wasn’t mistaken. They’d also talked about other future projects and plans, in between a Wolfram & Hart sponsored orgy of Sea breezes. And now Lorne felt the side-effects of schmoozing an attractive new client over one Sea breeze too many. He was walking, or rather swinging forward, in a zigzag, rolling motion through one of the corridors-- softly singing “We are Family”.

Suddenly he found himself right outside Angel’s office. Lorne noticed, despite his blurry state, that the office door was slightly ajar and a stream of light poured into the hall from the room.

“Oh, goodie. Mr. Broodypants is up doing some late night brooding,” Lorne thought to himself. “I’ll tell him the good news, he’ll cheer up a bit, and then maybe he’ll let me tuck him into bed.” He smiled, as he went for the door.

“Angelca…” was all that Lorne managed to say when he ducked his head through the opening.

“Hmm,” he thought to himself as he tilted his head a little to the left. “Either I’m really drunk and already passed out dreaming away in some corridor, or Spike and Angel really are having ‘hotkinkyvampiresex’ all over Angel’s office.”

Lorne blinked, closed and rubbed his eyes, twice, but he still saw it: the larger, darker vampire was pressed up against the naked backside of the smaller, bleached one, who was bent over one of the office armchairs looking as if he were in great pain--or maybe just eye-glazing pleasure.

“Bloody Hell, Angel! Do that again.”

“Definitely pleasure,” Lorne nodded.

“Harder. Stop this goddamn torture and fuck me harder,” Spike growled, twisting to look back at Angel.

“Only if you say it,” Angel answered, running his hand along Spike’s spine.

“Fuck you.”

“I thought I was the one fucking you,” Angel said as he pulled almost all the way out and then pushed in hard.

“Ahh…again.” Spike almost whimpered.

“Say it.”

Spike sighed and rested his forehead against the leather of the armchair.
“Okay, fine. Fuck me, Daddy. Please.”

“Bestill my green pounding heart.” Lorne’s mouth dropped open as he clutched his hand to his heart, located in his left butt cheek. “Did Spike just call Angel… Daddy?!?! Well, that’s a father son relationship with a twist,” he thought, seeing the vampire’s relationship in a whole new light as the voices continued.

“I’m coming.”

“Me too.”

And that’s when Lorne’s legs finally re-discovered the art of walking again. He slipped away as quietly as possible--not that the two vampires-in-ecstasy would’ve noticed anyway. Lorne realized that somehow, he’d made it inside his own office and that he was breathing heavily.
“Well, that’s what I call high-class entertainment,” he said out loud to no one. He sat down on the sofa and was about to lie back when he changed his mind.

“I think I need another drink.”


About a week later…

Wesley had just left Angel’s office, as the two vampires were starting another one of their forty minute to two hour-long bickering sessions. The blond vampire had thrown the clipboard in Wesley’s direction when he’d barged in, interrupting Wes to shout at Angel that ‘Angel had to stop something or other’ and that ‘the cavemen were superior too the astronauts’ and whatnot. Knowing things would soon deteriorate to childish name-calling or worse, Wesley had retreated to his own office.

Now he was reviewing the notes from the clipboard Spike had helpfully hurled at him. Wes turned the page. So far all Spike had found out was that Illyria possessed a great deal of strength and that she could toss the vampire around the room like a rag doll if she so pleased. Which she often did. Spike had also mentioned something about some kind of time-altering skill she seemed to possess. So with her super-strength, the endurance of the Duracell rabbit, and the time-altering ability, there wasn’t a doubt in Wesley’s mind that Illyria must had been a feared and powerful ruler in her time.

Flipping through the papers some more, Wesley noticed that a page was missing. Typical of Spike. Sloppy, slipshod work. Spike had probably had his fun with Illyria, got his arse kicked, and threw together some notes as quickly as possible - so he could go and annoy the hell out of Angel.

Disgruntled, Wesley entered Angel’s office without bothering to knock. He saw the missing piece of paper, lying discarded by the leather chair. He picked it up and left again, slowly closing the door behind him. Then Wes casually walked--as quickly as he could--to the lab, passing Lorne on the way, who gave him an odd look.

Back inside Angel’s office, one of the two momentarily frozen figures on top of Angel’s desk finally spoke.

“So, do you think he noticed?”

“The whole ‘you having your dick up my arse thing’? Bit of a give away, Mate.”

“Fuck.” Angel glowered.

“I thought that was what we were doing,” Spike emphasized, thrusting his hips back at Angel.

“Uhhng..” Angel groaned as he bit down on Spikes shoulder. “But what about Wes?”

“Well, Angel, it’s not every day you see two vampires fucking on a desk. But he’s a watcher. I bet he read all about your nasty little habits in the Watcher Journals. And can’t you smell it?”

“Smell what?” Angel took a deep breath through his nose and... “Oh!”

“Naughty Percy.” Spike grinned. “I bet Ilyria’ll be happy too see him.”

“What? How do you know he’s going to see her?”

“Uhh…” Spike sighed, getting a little restless due to Angel’s now non-thrusting-action and decided to take matters in his own hands. “Apparently our own head-boy has found out that ol’ Blue doesn’t have any gag reflexes,” Spike continued, maneuvering Angel into the desk chair and straddling him. After two or three pumps up and down, he’d successfully made Angel’s eyes roll back in his head as he forgot all about Wes and Illyria.


“Oh god…Yeah? ”

“You really should start locking your door.”


slash, spike/angel, fic, btvs/ats, spangel

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