SPN ficlet. Sometimes you have to use what you got, G, young!Sam´, young!Dean

Jan 24, 2011 22:13

I've had the idea for this little ficlet for a long time but I never seemed to have the time or will to write it until now. I saw two boys, brothers, during a freezing winter day playing together on a slope. Which made me think om young Sam and Dean.

Title: Sometimes you have to use what you got
Author: Nimenic
Wordcount: 697
Fandom: Supernatural
Character(s): Young!Sam, young!Dean
Warnings: No
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The idea is mine but not the boys.
A/N: All mistakes are my own
Summary: A sledge isn’t the only means of transportation to make your way down a slope,

Dean might not be the bestest big brother in the world but he really tries to be.
So when Sam, five years old with eyes gleaming of excitement says that he also wants to ride a sledge down the slope with the rest of the children in the park.
But then sighs and murmurs “but we have no money to buy one”.
Dean’s heart clenches and he wishes for not the first time that Sammy should have a normal childhood and be able to do normal things like play in the snow like other kids.

Dean knows they don’t have enough money to buy a sledge as well as Sam does, probably even more so. Times right now are real sparse and John is doing his best to feed both his children and maybe even himself once in a while.
So Dean knows he can’t ask him for money. And he knows it’s no idea to ask him for a sledge even for Christmas.
They might not even be here for that long.
And a sledge takes up a lot of room; they won’t be able to bring it with them. So yeah, it would be a total waste of money.

But then again, a sledge isn’t the only means of transportation to make your way down a slope, Dean thinks. Sam can’t stop asking about the thing in the bag under Dean’s arm as they walk to the hill the next day. Dean just smiles at Sammy and says that he’ll tell him when they get there.
There are no other kids at the popular slope at the hill today. Apparently it’s school or something else today. Neither Winchester has enrolled in the local school this time, which means that this job is just a short stop on the road.

When they climbed their way to the top of the slope Dean opens the bag and starts to unfold a tarpaulin.

“What are you going to do with that?” Sam asks as Dean lays the tarp on the snow and then sits on it.

“I’m going down the slope on it. You coming?”

“You can’t ride that.” Sam says as he watches Dean take a seat on the tarp.

“Well I’m gonna try at least. Are you coming with me Sammy?” Dean asks and puts out a hand which Sam hesitantly takes.

Dean places Sam between his legs so he can hold on to him then starts to push them both forward towards the edge.

“Here goes nothing, Sammy.” Dean says before he pushes off and down the snow clad slope with un-canning speed.

Sam screaming out of joy gripping Dean’s hands a litter tighter around his chest as they go over a bump making them both go “ompfh”.

When they reach the bottom managing just to steer away from crashing into a tree Sam lies in the snow just looking at Dean with the biggest smile on his lips Dean’s ever seen, so Dean has too smile back.

“Can we go again?” Sam asks.

“Sure we can go as many times you like.” Dean answers and starts to climb back up both of them carrying the tarp between them.

Dean doesn’t know how many times they ride down the slope on the tarp.
They sit, they lay down on their stomachs, on their backs, alone, together and Dean even tries to stand once but falls and gratefully lands in a pile of snow and decides not to do that again.
It’s a wonder that the tarp hasn’t been torn to shreds yet Dean thinks.

It’s starting to get a little dark, they’re cold and wet and both Dean’s and Sam’s stomachs are rumbling.

“I think it’s time to go back to the motel.” Dean regretfully says.

“I’m hungry.”

“Me too.” Sam answers, roses on his cheeks and snow everywhere.

“Can we go again tomorrow?” Sam asks as they fold up the tarp to put it back in the bag.

“Sure.” Dean says.

“Maybe we can bring some cocoa as well.” Sam’s smile goes even brighter and he takes Dean’s hand as they start to walk back towards the motel and says.

“Tarps kicks sledges ass.”

drabbles, dean, spn, sam

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