Strange little things

Aug 29, 2010 00:36

Strange, LJ was something that I used to visit everyday.
LJ was the first site I would log in on when I switched on the computer.
I used to spend hours on here. Now it's been almost three months since I wrote anything.

Before I could think up random thing during the day that I just had to write about on my LJ. Now I forget them.
It's sad, I say everytime that I will better myself. That I will be more active on LJ but lately I just haven't felt like it.
I've hardly even switched the computer on even. And when I have it's mostly because om an important e-mail or something like it.
Sadly not for LJ.

I've missed LJ and all you lovely people here. I hope you're not thinking that I've given up on LJ. I haven't I've just been....well elsewhere.

When I log out and leave here later I'll try to draw a map so I can find my way back. Because I do miss it here. I just need to remind myself of it.

rl, lj

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