Five year LJ anniversary!!!

Jun 10, 2009 23:24

To think five years ago I finally after much consideration went and got myself a LJ account. And I have never regretted the decision once. Even though there have been wanks and you sometime wonder what's wong with people there have always been YOU, my wonderful f-list. Some of you I've lost during the years some of you I'm just getting to know.


And to celebrate these five years I give you five drabbels/flashfics from five different fandoms. Enjoy!

Title: Junk Of The Hearts
Author: Nimenic
Wordcount: 309
Fandom: SPN, RPS AU
Character(s): Jensen, Jared
Warnings: RPS and rock music
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They own themselves I just have a peervy mind

The heavy fast beat of the thumping rock music fills Jensen’s ears and mind until all he can feel is the music. He loves this seedy little hole in the wall.

The music is wild and the beer might not always be cold or in a bottle but you drink it anyway and love it.
The crowd is a blend of all kinds of different patrons.
Like the scary looking bikers who’s actually quite nice once you get to know them. Or the skimpy dressed girls, with fishnet stockings and combat boots.
There’s even some glam rockers with bad perms and the small group of guys and girls wearing band t-shirts, who hopes that no one will notices that it’s their first and probably last time here.

The owner is a worn old biker/guitarist/roadie, who looks and probably has lived about ten lives during the life span of one. He tells stories about singers he knew and bands he played with. About girls he loved that left him for bassist or drummers.
Jensen loves it all.

But there’s something different about the place tonight.
Behind the sticky bar counter stands a guy Jensen never seen before. And it’s not as of you can avoid not seeing him. The guy is the tallest one in the bar, with a blinding smile and a happy puppy go look that should be so out off place but for some reason fits right in.

He talks to the bikers as if he’s known them all his life. Shakes hands with the metal rockers and makes the hard ass rocker chicks blush and revert to little girls with his dimpled smile. He even makes the first timers hiding in a corner relax a little bit and stop gripping their stale beer.

Jensen is not sure that he likes this happy new guy in his sanctuary.

Title: A Different Kind Of Knight
Author: Nimenic
Wordcount: 155
Fandom: Merlin
Character(s): Arthur/Lancelot
Warnings: Bottom!Arthur?
Rating: Going with NC-17
Disclaimer: Still not the BBC

Arthur knew that there was something different about Lancelot the first time they fought.

He didn’t move as the other sons of lords and ladys. He wasn’t as refined in his movements or in his swords handling. Not to say that he didn’t know how to handle a sword. There was no doubt about that.

He was an excellent fighter and he also wasn’t afraid of playing dirty if that what it took to win. Even if it meant that he had to trick the crown prince. Which was a thing Arthur found refreshing.

But beyond being a great warrior he also possesses a unique devotion to his prince.
Both on the battle field as well as his Arthur’s private chamber.

Lancelot fucks as he fights, dirty, rough and with complete devotion, Arthur’s hazy mind thinks as his newest knight drives into him again and again until he comes but not before the prince does.

Title: Don't Turn Your Back On Me
Author: Nimenic
Wordcount: 152
Fandom: Doctor Who
Character(s): Doctor/Master
Warnings: I'm still not pleased with this, and it's a bit AU. Lucy never killed the Master.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not RTD either

He forgave him.
He should’ve killed him, hurt him, anything. But no, he just opened his arms and told him that it was all alright. Anything, so he wouldn’t be stuck here, a prisoner inside a TARDIS shaped cage. The Doctor says he still has his freedom but he knows he’s being watched.
The Doctor doesn’t trust him not yet, maybe never. They both know he can’t be trusted.
But he’ll play along.
The last two time lords travelling through time and space discovering new planets and helping all creatures big and small by day and by night, two lovers sharing a bed and memories of home.
At least for now. At least until the Doctor thinks it’s safe, that he can trust him just enough to turn his back on him for just one second.
And when he does he’ll probably regret not killing the Master when he had the chance.

Title: Not Just A Bromance Thing
Author: Nimenic
Wordcount: 249
Fandom: Star Trek RPS
Character(s): Zachary Quinto/Chris Pine
Warnings: It's RPS and might be my new fandom
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I have no idea if vulcan ears turns Chris Pine on it's all just wishful thinking

Coming to terms with your own sexuality is one thing.
Coming to terms with your sexuality while the whole world watches is another.

During the filming of Star Trek it had only been the two of them. Never mind the crew and the other actors.

It had been a close friendship with casual and maybe not so casual touches. Hugs, an arm slung around a shoulder that had gradually ended with an unplanned kiss on the lips and a surprising answering one.

Then one kiss led to another which in return led the way for quick and dirty hand jobs in trailers, both in and out of costume.
Then someone fell down on his knees and declared that he really like those pointed ears.

When filming ends so those this ‘thing’.
Leaving both men to try and come to terms with this new kind of feeling towards his friend.

Then the promotion tour starts up and so do they but this time everything is different.

For when the younger man lays back on the hotel bed and begs the other man to fuck him, for the first time because the months spent with out him had been hell and he needs him. The other man is on him before the last word passed his lips.
Kissing those lips, trying to convey how much he missed him and how much he needs him as well.

Because this is not just a ‘thing’. It’s not just a bromance, it’s something more.

Title: A Perfect Family Outing
Author: Nimenic
Wordcount: 373
Fandom: BTVS
Character(s): Angelus/Darla/Spike/Drusilla, Fanged Four
Warnings: Vampires doing their vampy thing
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Joss said we could play.

It’s a slaughter house.
There’s dead or dying bodies everywhere, occupying most of the space and surface of the rather large drawing room.
The coppery scent of blood lays heavy around the room as evidence of blood splatter stains the walls and floor even two of the large Victorian windows from those who tried to escape the savage slaughter. None made it further that un-hooking the latch.

And in the midst of all this carnage stood Angelus, looking over as his family feed on the still remaining victims until the room went silent from the lack of thumping hearts.

There where few times Angelus could say that he was as proud of his little family as he was now. William or Spike as he preferred to call himself now, had just finished draining a pretty young middleclass man, barley in his twenties. When one of Drusilla’s slender hands clasped around his right and pulling it to her mouth. Her silky tongue lap up the remains of the young mans blood off of his fingers.

To his right Angelus hears long before he sees his beautiful Sire snapping the neck of a highly rude man who had eyed Darla’s cleavage for the better part of the evening.

“My dear boy.” She says as she moves up behind him, her small arms encircling his waist. “I must say, this was a wonderful idea of yours.”

He doesn’t answer her, just smiles down at her and turns her in his arms and kisses her blood red lips.

“Yeah, thanks for the treat Angelus.” Spike says as he and Drusilla makes their way across the now silent room.

“Daddy is a happy daddy.” Drusilla says as she sways forward and gives Angelus a kiss on the lips.

And Angelus is happy. Because this, this is perfect.

“This party is dead. What about we get out of here and find us some dessert?” Angelus says tightening his grip around Darla’s waist.
Drusilla claps her hands as Darla just smiles up at her boy.

“Come on then, no time like the present.” Angelus says as he grips the back of Spike’s neck with his free hand, stroking his thumb against the scar, leading his family out into the night.

btvs, rps, merlin, lj anniversary, star trek rps, drabbels, fanged four, doctor who, spn

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