Sunday challenge. Song Title

May 17, 2009 23:48

It's still sunday somewhere in the world.

Title: Slightly Mad (song title)
Author: Nimenic
Wordcount: 108
Fandom: BTVS
Character(s): Drusilla, Spike
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss said we could play

The moon and the stars speak to her as Miss Enid sings her blood filled lullabies. She dances to an unheard melody her silky dress swaying with the movements as her bare feet hits the wooden floor.

Her eyes are dark and hooded and slightly mad. She talks to the flowers to the plants and to the worms in the dirt. They tell her secrets, she gives them water, food and blood.

She’s a killer, she’s a dark goddess, she is mad.

But above all things she’s his, Spike thinks as he watches the dark haired vampiress dance and sing around the room like no one is watching.

Title: Slightly Mad (song title)
Author: Nimenic
Wordcount: 120
Fandom: Merlin
Character(s): Gwen, Morgana
Warnings: i'm just waiting for the mental breakdown of Morgana
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I'm just here in my corner of the sandbox playing

Gwen’s not sure how she knows it but something is wrong with her mistress.

At first she blamed it on the nightmares and the sleep deprivation but it’s not just that anymore. Morgana refuses to eat, she doesn’t socialize with the rest of the court or any of the young men who traveled far and wide to meet her.

She just shuns away in her chamber all day, keeping secrets even from Gwen who she shares everything with.
When Gwen tries to talk to her, ask her what’s wrong, if there’s anything she can do.
Morgana just laughs, closing the door in her face.

Gwen’s worried that her lady’s mind is slipping and she doesn’t know how to stop it.

Title: I'm Your Man (song title)
Author: Nimenic
Wordcount: 160
Fandom: Merlin
Character(s)/paring: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: R-ish
Disclaimer: If I owned the show Morgana would be having a beautiful mental breakdown and Merlin and Arthur would be doing it like bunnies.

Inside the darkness of the castle, inside the solid walls of his chamber can Arthur finally let his guards down.
Behind the looked door with just his manservant watching over him.
Here he doesn’t have to be the crown prince of Camelot or a warrior or Uther’s heir or even Arthur. He is just his, Merlin’s.

Merlin caresses Arthur’s red swollen lips with his thumb, pushing until Arthur opens up enough for the digit to slip past his lips.

“So pretty.” Merlin says as Arthur greedily sucks on the thumb in his mouth.

Merlin’s free hand starts to undo his own breeches, Arthur’s own clothing being long gone, slow enough for Arthur’s hazy brain to catch up with his lovers movements.

All of a sudden Merlin harshly withdraws his thumb and grips Arthur’s chin hard. Forcing the blond prince to look up at him.

“Mine.” Merlin says and smiles.

“Yours.” Arthur replies standing on his knees before his servant. “Always.”

Leonard Cohen - I'm your man

Queen - Slightly Mad

drabbels, btvs, merlin, spike, drusilla

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