Two BTVS drabbles

Aug 12, 2008 23:50

I haven't written anything in the BTVS fandom for quite a while now so I thought it was time I did something about that. Here a two Giles related drabbles.

Title: Books
Autor: Nimenic
Rating: G or PG
Character: Giles
Warnings: None
A/N: I apparently have a thing for the Sunnydale High Library

The dusty and old worn smells of books filled his nostrils. He loved this library, he could spend hours sorting and going through all the books by hand. He knew almost every single book and its place.
So every time there was a fire or one of the books got used or even destroyed in one of his young slayers fights he actually cried a little. And when the final fight came and he saw his precious library and all its book burn to the ground he cried for a week.
Until one day, when he found a laptop outside and a note from Willow saying

“I know it’s not the real thing. But they are all in there.
Hugs W”

Title: Detention
Autor: Nimenic
Rating: R
Paring: Giles/Willow
Warnings: Het sex
A/N: As i said big thing for the library

The school and its corridors lays dark and silent. Noting that goes bumps in the night except for one thing. A weak light coming from the library interrupts the total darkness and two muffled voices.
Inside two dark figures moves on top of one of the tables in the middle. One of the figures is a redhead with long flowing hair and skin pale as milk. The other is an older man with glasses on his nose that keeps sliding lower and lover on the bridge of his nose with every thrust he makes into the young girl under him.

drabbels, btvs, giles/willow, willow, drabbel, giles

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