Apr 13, 2014 14:14
Bod was asleep on the couch.
Normally, he didn't tend to take naps but he'd worked late last night (and woefully missed out on Kate's 'clean out my closet day') and then hadn't slept well when he'd eventually made it home. He'd tried to soldier on with the weekend since today was his sole day off for about a week but that hadn't happened.
He'd taken a seat on the couch to eat some lunch and Seamus had hopped up to join him. Eventually, the puppy's warmth and cuddliness had lulled Bod into tipping sideways and stretching out. Seamus had wriggled his way against Bod's chest and Bod had draped an arm over him. He'd been planning to just rest his eyes for a minute, just one brief, small break but that...had turned into a nap.
For the both of them.
[NFB but open for all the usual things. Works makes me miss out on so many posts, woe.]
bod is in: kansas city,
bod is discovering: seamus,
bod is discovering: naps,
bod is talking to: kate