Jan 12, 2004 16:17
Wow, I forgot I had opened this LJ.
Hrmm, well things have been great since moving back.
I hooked up with a great guitar player named Micah, were in the process of creating some original material. Kinda folk+funk+industrial+ish. I also got a car recently, not all that great but gets me from place to place.
I started a software consulting company in Shreveport back in October, that keeps me busy. Got a few local clients that keep me fed at least.
X-Mas was nice.
Got to see my family, hang out with my son.
Oh, and I was in Dallas this last weekend to visit some friends.
Can't wait to do that again, but next time I'm gonna plan to be longer than just a weekend....too much to do, too many ppl to see.
Dallas has changed a lot since me last being there. Lots of new buildings.
Glad to see that the drivers are still just as insane.
Other than that, not too much going on.