001 - video/action for Route 29;

Oct 27, 2011 09:51

[The feed starts up with a lovely view of... grass. Yes, grass. It seems somepony left the 'Gear face down on the ground, though the audio recording is still going smoothly!]

This is the worst day ever!

[Oh, there's some unhappy chirping in the background, as the 'Gear lifts up, off the grass, and... there's a close-up of a Swablu, who just keeps chirping!]

Look, it's not you, okay? It's this whole place! Maybe if I was still a pony and not some... weird, monkey thing it wouldn't be so bad, but that's just it. I'm not! Instead, I'm stuck in this freaky body, and I can't even fly.

[Huff. And she never needed clothes before, other than special occasions. The next bit is muttered under her breath.]

And here I thought Discord was bad...

[Chirpity chirp? Well, now the Swablu's bringing the PokéGear right up to his trainer. A trainer with distinct, rainbow colored hair and a frustrated look on her face. She's also sitting down. Probably because she tripped.]

What is that thing, anyway?


[Sigh. Well, whatever it is, she's turning it off now. Or trying to; hands are still new to her, so she ends up fumbling it a few times before the feed finally ends with help from her Pokémon.]

ew human, pokeyman? wat?, first, angrydash is angry

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