Cabin Fever: a state of restlessness
caused from being in a confined space.
Being alone doesn't have to be boring. Ask
Michael Perham, who will reach port at any moment, after sailing the Atlantic alone at age 14.
But, what do you do if you're at home in Colorado and you're isolated by 15-foot snow drifts? Mary Walker, bored resident of Lamar, had the answer.
She's selling the snow on eBay.
Sure, it's a gag, and a publicity gimmick. But, why not? Mary, alias Shoppingjabberjaw, usually peddles cosmetics and second-hand videos. She actually sold the first share, amount not stated, for $15.50 (£7.91). More is available - lots more. The pitch is simple:
Your snow will be sent in a leak proof container because
during shipping there is a good chance it will melt. If you need
snow in snow form send me a message and we could overnight
a bunch surrounded by ice. All snow will be packeaged and
shipped on Wed. because mail doesnt run till then weather
permitting hee hee. If you would like to pick up the snow in
person there will be no shipping charge and you can have as
much as you want. All snow is sold as is.
The bidders joined in the fun, and the first eBay listing turned into a chatroom:
Q: What's the lowest price you'll take for all of it?
A: I doubt you could take all of it if you tried, all the roads around here are closed so it would be a difficult journey. However if you win this auction and want to come pick up the snow yourself you can have as much as you want. In fact Im sure some of our neighbors mught have some just lying around their houses too.
Q: How do I know this snow is genuine from the 2006 snow storm and not fake, prefabricated snow from the ski resorts? Do you certify this as genuine?
A: We couldn't get to a ski resort if we tried
Q: What if I only want snow from the first storm, not the second storm? Can you verify and certify that the snow is from the first storm only? How will you verify this, just dig up snow from the bottom of the snow drift?
A: we collected 1 bucket from the first storm and put it in the deep freezer. All blizzard 2 snow will be collected from a huge 15 ft. snow drift. I will collect this snow from the tallest point I can reach aprox. 6 FT. If you dont believe me ask my mother she has been watching me sell and collect snow the entire time, considering there is no one else here that will be our certification process.
Q: your crazy
A: two days stuck inside with your mother and cats will do it
With all the attention, Mary tried a variation: yellow snow (item 300065806937). It didn't sell. See, even wacky buyers can have discriminating tastes.
The ongoing chat has had its serious side as well:
I just heard the national guard is taking some hay off our land to give to the starving cattle in Springfield colorado by air!!!! Its wild how many rescues are taking place, we sure hope everyone makes it home soon so they can be warm in their beds like us and the cats!!
Happy landings, Michael. And stay warm, Mary.