Re: Guten Tag

Mar 29, 2007 23:13

So, here we are... it's hookers and blow day (pay day) and it is a bit sad when you realize you're First National Bank of my Roommate is a Deadbeat.  But that's for another entry.

So... I would like to ponder upon the general situation of humanity.  I really don't get people, but that's okay.  What I don't understand is when did caring about the enviroment become trendy?  I remember being called a hippy because I believed recycling was a basic good.  And that my plan for making illegals in the country a beneficial part of society (and eventually fucking tax paying members of society) was to build waste plants that used compost materials (waste that could break down) as a means of alternate energy. (I don't quite understand the principals myself, but, I know that "green waste" can be used to compost into *mumbles* and can help provide power to things like homes and traffic likes and chocolate fountains), I was called a tree hugger (and other things).  My idea was to build these plants (San Fransico? currently has the only one) and thus lessen our dependence on oil and coal and natural gas.  Couple that with education to a) teach illegal aliens English b) I forget what b once was, then we can turn them into legal citizens of the United States.  More importantly, turn them into tax paying citizens of the US of A.  Yeah.  Whatever keeps the government from raping me more often.  The point, in what 5 minutes did being a tree hugging hippy become the "in" thing?  Oh, about 5 minutes after the Livestrong thing went out I guess.  Sudden concern culminated with my apartment complex sending me a letter asking me (it was a form letter) to make changes in life that would benefit our enviroment... which, oddly enough, all of these things would also save my management on bills (our utilities are included).  They did not include things like, "carpool" or "recycle" it was "adjust your heat to levels of *mumbles*" and "turn off and unplug unused appliances".  And yes, unplugging appliances that you are not using is a good idea.  Why?  Because in a lot of appliances there is this thing called "phantom power."  What does that mean besides Jen has shocked herself while rewiring a plug that was still plugged in but off? Well phantom power means that there is still power coursing through it's little coppery veins.  Yeah, trust me on that one... I found out the hard way.

I don't know. I'm tired and cranky, so I am going to go sleep now.  Then I can dream about causing grievous bodily harm to the cab driver who totalled my car. 
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