see the light where others cannot
Pairing: Sam/Dean (Wincest)
Warnings: incest
Summary: Chasing the spirits of the dead, in one way or another, has always been the Winchester lot in life. These days, it's more so than it's ever been. [Or: In which Sam and Dean find themselves with a new sort of job, courtesy of Death]
Word Count: 10,513
A/N: Goes AU post s6, although mainly it's AU after 6x20 as that's when the lion's share of this was written. Many thanks to
killabeez for the lovely art and
drivebyagogo for the second pair of eyes. I will freely admit to having broken a few rules here and there lore-wise where convenient. Title is from a Dead Like Me quote, and yes, having said that, a large chunk of you probably already know where this is going. I never claimed it was subtle. Mostly this is just me going I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY OKAY.
Part One Part Two Art Post