from the warzone

Dec 07, 2006 09:51

in library between classes. out early from #1 because of easy test. life is hell. sleep deprived, tons of work to do in next 31 hours, including community service, classes and barely any time for sleep. 10 page paper due tomorrow @5. unsure on my topic. have compilation of stuff for sources, but need to go through and pick specific sources, along with what to use from them. then figure out what to write about. then write. three page one due tomorrow @ 9:30. easy but time consuming. french oral test to prepare for tomorrow @10:50. three minute speech, answer lots of questions. time consuming, and need to memorize vocab. rc no longer sells red bull. boo them. the snow is falling and thatwhich disapeared yesterday is being replaced. these "brain cells dancing in the presence of metaphor" is now the fog that has been missing from this valley for too long. i've missed that. favorite lines of the week: "the best thing about you standing in the doorway / is that it's you / and that you're standing in the doorway." amazing. simple image, common event, and it's turned into somthing as spectacular as the seven angels blowing the seven trumpets at the end, just because it's HER. wow. just wow. must get to class now and not fall asleep. wish me luck
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