-work is work... you all know how that is
-Kafka is god (IMO)
-damn carolina. i hate them with a passion. next year the sabres will crush them.
everyone should check out
http://www.myspace.com/scoxphotography. my friend is selling some of her photos on myspace. i like what i've seen so far, and shannon will be posting more in the coming weeks. even if you don't have myspace you should check her page out. i'm getting a print of the street at night, with the moon in the upper corner. it'll most likely be hanging above my desk. :)
hate to follow that up with this interesting news, but this has to go somewhere. there have been rumors abound that on 6/6/06 there's going to be a shooting at my old high school. the cops and the administration has been investigating everything. i usually don't believe this crap when it comes up (it's very rare here), but the other day a hitlist was found, with my sister on it. well more specifically, the cheerleaders. she's a varsity cheerleader, so.... guess that includes her. i'm still not too worried, but you know, you've gotta kinda think twice about things like this when it's directed toward a relative. we'll see. i'm sure everything will be fine.