[Voice // Written(?) // Action]

May 10, 2009 16:59

[The journal flies open, pages ruffling in the air until it falls page down, muffling the following shouting match.

What is the sound of one Cloud shouting? It's rather like the sound of two Clouds shouting. It's hard to tell apart any words at all, so the most anyone can tell is that there's either one very psychotic Cloud in the grocery store, or two who are ready to pummel each other.

Tomato is splattered messily over the journal pages. Food fight is on, people, anyone coming into the grocery store is very likely to get hit with these two in here.

ooc Basically, both Clouds being in bad moods today, we decided to go ahead with the idea of them having an argument that ends up...messy. Feel free to be an innocent bystander/throw food back/escalate the situation/thread-jump in this post--it's a food fight, it's crazy, it's Clouds Gone Wild. Voice/Written responses are not likely to be answered by either Cloud, fyi.]

action, anger mismanagement, mother's day is not good for a cloud

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