Jun 03, 2005 14:23
Ok, I have been offered to go to this "overview" session in Manchester for this job thing from 7-8PM (what kind of hours are they? couldn't it be 5?? 6?? oh no, lets have it LATE) , BUT I don't know what the job is, it says i have to dress in a traditional business attire, and i don't like dressing up like that unlesss it's really necessary...but that's not it, oh no, it doesn't end there. Someone I knows band is playing in the Attic at...yes, that's right, at 8 so I have to eithe go to this thing then go to the gig in a SUIT (cashmere though so i'd make an impression, maybe convince them i'm management or something? FREE DRINKS!) and I just don't know what to do...sure it sounds pathetic, but I don't want to miss it, and I don't know if i'll be hanging around after 8 and...flipping heck...lets find out the distance between them