Sep 21, 2009 07:56
So I always seem to have odd luck when surviving shit in dreams and I've been through some exciting stuff. Sentry bots, falling from 2 miles in the air, car wrecks, bank robberies, etc. etc. I always seem to live through it. I had one dream where I actually died when I was in highschool and it was a shotgun blast to the face that took me out. Well I finally got killed in dream #2 (or woke up moments from death). It was a hydrogen bomb detonation. I learned about it 15 minutes in advance and I was fairly close to the center of impact. I had to get 100 miles away in 15 minutes but people were holding me back, then the car just wouldnt speed up etc. etc. The bomb missed it's mark by about 2 miles and all in all I made it about 1/4 of a mile away from my starting point. There was a bright light and then a huge orange mushroom cloud was dominating the sky. It was interesting watching the ocean flash boil and the air catch fire and then this huge wall of flames just rushed towards me...then I woke up. I make up some awesome visual effects in my dreams.