(no subject)

Jun 25, 2007 21:39

And here I am again, presenting a fanfic by my fabulous sister who shares this account with myself:

Title: The Lounge
Author: Kenya
Genre: General, slight humor
Rating: G
Spoilers: Spoilers if you haven't played the second game, I guess.
Characters/Pairings: Basically the entire KH-only character cast.
Warnings: Not really.

The Lounge

Imagine this, but please don’t close your eyes, because unless your computer reads to you, then you’ll need them open to read this. But anyway, imagine a room. Its walls are a pale green in color and the floor is a blue tile. An extravagant rug that has obviously seen better days is spread across the floor like some slain beast. There is furniture lazily scattered about the room. Pushed against one wall is a very large book shelf that is messily crammed full of books whose pages are torn and have more than their fair shares of coffee spills. On the same wall is a long ugly couch with uncomfortable brown fabric that clashes horribly with the walls and floor. Two obscenely bright green pillows are lying limply against either armrest. Against the wall parallel to the one where the couch and book shelf reside is a small table with two red chairs one would expect to see in a diner positioned at either side. Beside this table are several vending machines that all vend different products. Spread out on the table is a half played game of chess in which the white pieces obviously winning. The remaining walls are covered in posters and calendars that display vibrant images and ads. In the middle of the room there is a poker table, surrounded by chairs that look highly uncomfortable. The chairs are scattered haphazardly and books, poker chips, and cards crowd the table’s surface.

And despite how hideously ugly, uncomfortable, and dysfunctional this room is, it is packed with people. On the hideously ugly couch lays a woman in a black trench coat with platinum blond hair with two bangs slicked back over her head like antennae. The woman’s name is Larxene: The Savage Nymph. Larxene has a book cracked open in her hand, but she isn’t reading it. Instead she is listening on a “private” conversation being had by two men who are standing by the book shelf near the couch. One is a man who has the appearance of some one who just graduated college. He has long blue silver hair that hangs lazily over one of his eyes, he wears the same thing that Larxene does. His name is Zexion: The Cloaked Schemer. He is speaking with a man who looks hardly older than he is. He, too, wears the black trench coat and has long brown hair that flares out at the tips. His name is Marluxia: The Graceful Assassin.

The two are speaking of “top secret plans” they’ve both had in the past, specifically of one that concerns a young girl in a white dress, with white sandals, blue eyes, and blonde hair. This very same girl is standing beside one of the many vending machines. She is drawing her fiery red-headed counterpart try to force a munny-orb into the vending machine. The blond haired girl’s name is Naminé: The Manipulative Witch. Naminé’s smiles as she watches her alter ego’s frustration. The other’s pink jumper, abundant with zippers, is wrinkled from lifting her leg up to kick the machine and her stylish sneakers look beaten and trodden. Her name is Kairi: The Seventh Princess of Heart.

But Kairi and Naminé are not only being spoken about by Zexion and Marluxia, but two other people in the room. One of these people is sitting at the poker table in the middle of the room. He is leaning back in his chair tilting it back on two of it’s feet, while his own two feet are wrapped around the legs of the chair. His maze of spiky brown hair sticks out in every which direction, and a few bangs hang down past his cobalt blue eyes to brush his nose. He wears a complex out fit that consists of the colors black, blue, yellow and red. His shoes are large yellow ones that are as beaten and down trodden as Kairi’s, if not more so. His name is Sora: Chosen Wielder of the Keyblade. The boy he is talking to, or at least trying to, is also reclining in a chair stationed at the poker table. He is also tilting his chair back onto two of its feet, but his two feet are propped up onto the table. His long spiky silver hair dangles roughly in front of his aqua-marine eyes, which are currently focused intently on a book. His outfit is just as complex as Sora’s is and consists of blue, white, and a different blue. His name is Riku: Wielder of the Keyblade of Twilight.

As Sora is speaking, Riku’s head is shoved foreword violently into his book by another red head who is standing behind him. The newest red head is wearing the same black trench coat that Larxene, Zexion, and Marluxia are wearing. His fiery crimson hair is twisted upward into long spikes. His eyes are a quiet green that seem to sparkle at the mischief he was causing. And stationed right below his eyes were two upturned tear drops. His mouth was curled into a malicious smirk that creases these same tattoos. His name is Axel: The Flurry of the Dancing Flames. Sitting next to him, protesting to his violence is a young boy; Sora’s cool, collected, blonde counterpart. He has his head in his hand and is leaning up against the table while muttering about how immature Axel is. His blond hair that is bright enough to match Naminé’s sticks out in every direction much like Sora’s does. His bright cobalt blue eyes are directed into his palm while Axel pins a ‘Kick me’ sign to his checkered black and white out fit. His name is Roxas: The Key of Destiny.

Axel’s acts of juvenile behavior are soon put to a close when a loud voice snaps from across the room from the wall riddled with posters and calendars. Stationed beneath a poster that reads “EAT AT JOES” with a picture of a large man stuffing a burger in his mouth, is a tall, tan skinned man. This man has long white hair that is slicked back away from his face and flares out as if the bangs are trying to pry away from the side of his head and hang in his face again. This man also wears the black trench coat worn by about twelve other people in the room. His eyes are a brilliantly bright orange and are currently staring down a rather intimidated Axel. His name is Xemnas; The Superior. Standing next to him is a man who has the exact same hair, skin color, eye color, and malicious look imprinted on his face. He is Xemnas’s equally evil counter-part. His outfit is slightly more complicated than Xemnas’s, and, although it contains the same amount of black in it, it was decorated with red, yellow and blue stripes that holds it all together and a long white cape hangs from his waist. His arms are crossed over a symbol traditionally found on the Heartless and his orange eyes are staring at the heroes sitting in the middle of the room. His name is Xehanort; The Seeker of Darkness.

Standing to the left of Xemnas are four other people. One of them is a man also donning the black trench coat. His particularly bright blue hair is long and messy and brushes lightly against the large ‘X’ that extends over his face. The man seems to be slightly savage in nature and not particularly someone you’d want to mess with. The man’s name is Saïx: The Luna Diviner. Saïx is talking with three other men, all of which are wearing the traditional black trench coat. One of them is significantly taller than all the other three. He is large and muscular, the kind of guy you’d like to take with you whilst entering a dark and questionable alley way. He has wild and unruly red-brown hair that flies backwards off his scalp, almost as if he had just gotten off of a roller coaster and had put a lot of hair spray on before hand. His face is passive and calm and he rarely interjects any input into the conversation, thus rightfully earning him the name of: Lexaeus, The Silent Hero. Another person that is caught up in the conversation is a pale man. He keeps his hands behind his back and his chin up as if he was seeing how far he would have to tilt his head back before his dark braided hair fell into the grasp of his fingers. His input, like Lexaeus’, is limited. Although, when he does add some sort of comment to the conversation, it is always highly intelligent and worth hearing. His name is Xaldin: The Whirlwind Lancer. The final person who is taking part in the conversation and is doing most of the talking is a pale, emaciated, and almost gaunt man that looks older than he probably is. The excitement that the man has about talking about his newest experiment shows in his exuberant eyes and his drastic hand motions. His voice holds suspense that keeps his listeners in on the conversation and his features light up when ever he is given the opportunity to answer any obscure question about his most recent discovery. His name is Vexen: The Chilly Academic.

Now, seated at the chess table finishing the half played game described earlier are two interesting characters. One of these characters is one of the thirteen dressed in the black trench coats. He has short blond hair that keeps to the top of his forehead so it won’t fall in the way of his strategic glare he is giving the other person. Earrings glint in the light being given off by the ceiling chandelier and he has his left arm resting on his chest while his right strokes his blond beard. A smirk tugs at the corners of the his mouth as it seems his opponent was at a loss for moves to make. This mans name is Luxord: The Gambler of Fate. As it turns out, his opponent is not at a loss for moves to make. He is simply submerged deep within his own thoughts. He is a very mysterious man who isn’t too keen on giving away all that much information. He is so bent on keeping things secret, in fact, that we cannot see his face. His face is completely wrapped in red bandages and his entire body is covered with a black outfit with a red robe covering him on top of that. His eyes are the same blazing orange as Xehanort’s and Xemnas’s, and his hand is hovering hesitantly over his pawn. His name is Ansem the Wise: Darkness in Zero.

Before Ansem can make his move, the table is crashed into by another man in a black trench coat, who is currently struggling under the weight of another man in a similar black trench coat. The man who is staggering as another man tries to stand on his shoulders is a peculiar man. He has long black hair with grey streaks running through it. The streaks are as jagged and uneven as the scar running along one of his cheeks just beneath an eye the color of molten gold. His opposite eye is covered by his eye patch. He has a smirk painted on his face despite the pain and weight. Eventually, in spite of hardships, he manages to steady himself by the vending machines. His name is Xigbar; The Freeshooter.

The man who is standing on Xigbar’s shoulder’s is smiling and struggling to steady himself while holding a paint brush and a bucket filled with paint. His brown-blonde hair stands up along a straight line down the center of his head, and a few bangs lay against his forehead just above his eyes that contain almost as much mischief as Axel’s do. His name is Demyx: The Melodious Nocturne. And he is currently painting in bright red letters above the vending machines: “Cannon-Verse Lounge.”

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