30 in 30 - part 27

Mar 07, 2011 22:09

First book/movie/song that moved you:

Oh geez. To be "moved" by something doesn't mean I have to have cried, right? So, here are a list of media things that have "moved" me:

Movies - The first movie I watched obsessively: Adventures in Babysitting
Movie I can nearly quote from start to finish: Pretty Woman
Movie that I will cry every time I watch it, without fail: Toy Story 3

Songs - First song Jason and I sang together in the car: Out of Tears by the Rolling Stones
Song we sang with the kids, loudly at times: High Enough by the Damn Yankees
Song that I hope Rory and I will sing together forever and ever: Pokerface (Glee cover)

Books - when I was in college, I told my good friend Jen that the best book I'd read was The Chamber, by John Grisham. She told me I needed to get my ass to the library and check out some books. I read Jane Eyre, I tried to read The Shipping News, and I read The Bean Trees (Barbara Kingsolver). And then I read The Poisonwood Bible (Barbara Kingsolver). All these books moved me in some way. So I owe Jennifer Warnick a big Thank You for making me put down the crime lit and start reading REAL books. (Now excuse me while I go read another Castle book ... hah!)

30 in 30

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