30 in 30 - part 21

Feb 24, 2011 19:46

Man I am a slacker.

Something that scares me:

I don't know why, but it seems that once I started having kids, my body started falling apart. First it was my gall bladder, that I got out when Jack was just a few months old. Then I had a cervical polyp removed while I was pregnant with Rory. Then I went and got a lazy uterus that liked to sit on my bladder. All fixable things. I'm feelin' good.

A couple years ago, I started having some issues with my right foot. I'd get these stabbing pains that would come and go. Some days I wouldn't feel it, and other days, I could barely walk by the end of the day. So, I went to see a podiatrist, and learned that I have a neuroma in my right foot. It's just a swollen nerve ending between two of my toes, and really wasn't a huge deal. I wore "sensible" shoes for awhile and learned that vanity comes at a price. Problem solved. Temporarily.

Last summer, I started running. I freaking loved it, and was gearing up to run my very first 5k. A couple nights before the race, as I was finishing my run, I felt those stabbing pains again. Dammit. This time I also had a sore ankle. Double dammit. I walked the race instead of running, and made an appointment to see the podiatrist again. It took a couple weeks to get in, and I'd stopped running, so by the time I'd got in my ankle was fine.

The dr. wasn't so much concerned with the neuroma as he was with the bunion that was so brightly apparent near my big toe. After consulting, we decided that surgery was likely the best option. But, with our upcoming trip to Disneyworld, I didn't want to chance that I wouldn't be completely recovered in time. So, I decided to wait until after the trip.

After the trip, I scheduled my foot surgery, or at least I thought I did. I showed up for my pre-op appointment, and the dr. asked if I wanted to get something scheduled. "Uhh, I thought that's why I was here" was my response. They didn't have my surgery scheduled. So, we scheduled it - AGAIN, and he took some x-rays of my foot. Looking at them, he pointed out that the length of my second toe was quite long, and likely the culprit of the neuroma. He suggested shortening the length of that toe, which at first didn't seem horrible. He made it sound as easy as going through the drive-through and ordering a value meal. But then I started thinking about it and it freaked me out. I got scared.

Combine my uneasy feelings with the fact that this office is run by a bunch of monkeys with HORRIBLE scheduling abilities and office management, my poor brain just churned. I decided I didn't want this guy sawing on my foot, shortening my toes, and leaving me with the potential to be gimpy forever. Okay, I'm exaggerating now, but that's how I was feeling.

A couple days before my surgery, there was yet another scheduling issue - and that was the final straw. I was not letting these people near my foot. So, I called and made an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon and I have that consult scheduled for Monday morning.

I REALLY hope I can get some good answers at this appointment, and certainly hope I have a higher comfort level with the amount of care I'm getting. I don't want to be stuck with wacky toes and a messed up foot forever.

I want to run again.

30 in 30

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