Jan 17, 2011 13:06
Tap tap. Is this thing on? Hello?
Oh, hi. Remember me? I'm sorry for dropping off the face of the posting planet. Sure, I comment plenty on the posts of others, and I often think of things that would make a great post. But by the time I get around to it, the moment seems to have passed or becomes what I think others would consider irrelevant. Maybe it's a pity party? I don't know. Probably. Yep, it is.
It's hard to believe this blog is 10 years old. It certainly has had it's ebbs and flows, and maybe part of why I haven't posted for so long is that I feel like maybe I've outgrown the name I gave this blog when I made it so long ago. Nillyroo. An old IRC nickname. I don't IRC anymore, but I feel like part of me is hanging on to this because it's where I met my hubby over 16 years ago. Aww. Sentimental. Anyone need a tissue? So, do I keep this blog? Do I get a new one? I just don't know. What kind of name would I give a new blog? Would anyone read it? Do I really care? I guess I do. So, I'll just resume posting here until I come up with some kind of resolution. So, welcome back!
My dear friend EH posted a list of topics on her blog the other day, and it's the perfect thing to get me back to blogging - 30 topics in 30 days. See below:
1. Your workspace
2. The best part of your day
3. Something you refuse to do
4. The last book you read
5. Meaning behind your blog name
6. Talent you wish you had
7. A photo of you without make up (OMG!)
8. Last item you purchased
9. Something that makes you sad
10. 15 facts about you
11. Your favorite thing right now
12. Best Christmas present you ever got
13. Your favorite teacher
14. Something you're thankful for
15. A photo from your childhood
16. Something you crave
17. Your worst hair moment
18. Favorite smell
19. The last time you cried
20. Last time you had to apologize to someone
21. Something that scares you
22. Something that really bugs you
23. What you dislike most about your appearance
24. Celebrity crush
25. A trait you deplore in others
26. A photo taken 10 years ago
27. First book/movie/song that moved you
28. What turns you off
29. The story behind one of your scars
30. Left blank for suggestions!
I'll start tomorrow, when I go back to work. Seems like the perfect place to provide commentary on my workspace. I haven't been at work since January 6th (yeah, Florida!), so I need a bit of a refresher before posting. (Not really, I'm just procrastinating - SO unlike me!)
See you then!
30 in 30