Back From Maine and Oral Annoyances

Nov 16, 2005 16:42

I'll get the long overdue Everloom update posted sometime later.

I'm back.

The weekend I spent going to Maine(last Thursday thru Sunday) was a blast. As a member of the November Invitational, I got a free trip to Bowdoin college, and stuff to do while there.

I got up Thursday at about 4:30am, and finished my homework before going to LAX and getting on a plane to Dulles airport(D.C.). There was something of a layover there, so I took the opportunity to buy some food that I normally would avoid - I ate McDonalds. A Big Mac, specificly. With the meal option.

The burger was not terribly good, nor was the soda and service. But the fries... the fries were a nightmare.

You see, the day before going, I did more than just finish the SAT 1 - I had spacers put in by my orthodontist. Nasty little things, they are made to spacer apart the back teeth... whidh makes the teeth sore. Now, unlike the soggy burger, the watered down drink, and everything else about the meal, the fries required chewing. Which I could not do without a good deal of pain.

I, contary to some people's opinions(this would work better if said "some people" read this LJ) do not like pain. Sure I can endure it, especially if it constant, but I try not to bring it upon myself.

Also at the ariport I met Nehien(think that's how it's spelled) and she got some of my fries. We threw out the rest in an atypical bout of wastefulness.

Nehien is also from from my home 'town' (*coughcoughcough*) of LA, and was going to Bowdoin for the Invitational. She was on the the plane from LA to Dulles, but I had not seen her earlier despite my active attempt to spot others that were going to Bowdoin.

We soon met about four others from LA High, including Irina, and then someone from Ontario. All had been on the flight from LAX to Dulles, and none I had seen.

We all got on the flight, and we flew to Portland Maine.

There, we got on a bus and, talking the whole way, were driven to Bowdoin.

There, we disembarked and walked through the biting, freezing, nasty cold all the long, long way to a nearby building. For anyone else who is familiar with the Bowdoin campus, we walked from outside the back of Admissions to Thorne.

At Thorne, we recieved folders with all kinds of infomation, luke-warm pizza, and a nice little speech by the distictive Fumio(spelled wrong, undoubtedly). Then those of us who hadn't already called home did so(me and two others), and we were led by hosts to our lodgings.

Seem familiar, Nekele? Well in this case, that's all the hosts did. I waw shown the living roon that I was staying in(along with seven pre-frosh girls and two other guys). I planned the next day on my folder, watched the movie Office-space(good), and went to sleep very early. About 12:00. Or 9:00 in LA. I slept on a one-person sofa and got a kink in my neck.

Other notes about the first night. There was a birthday party going on upstairs, and all sorts of things were very strange. We did get some cake that someone brought down, though, so it was all good. Also, some lady from the Social House next to ours came over - she had either a speech impediment or was drunk, but either waw she was very nice and got blankets for everyone who didn't have one. Like me.

I woke the next morning very early, at 7:00(or 4:00 in LA), and dressed, trundled over to Thorne, and broke my fast. The food was surpisingly decent, and I was sure not to eat anything that would cause pain. Other people of note sitting on the table were Floxinotic and Marsi.

Then we got to sit in on a few classes. I had picked classes the night before, and so I went to Intro to Biology. I think that the Pre-frosh kinda flooded the class, but I was nodding off, so it didn't really matter. Oh, and Flox and Marsi also went to that class.

About the class: the lesson were were sitting on for was mostly about Photosynthesis and ATP/ADP. I knew half from my Human Biology class I had taken at SMC, but obviously my class did not touch on the chemical reactions of Photosynthesis. I heard someone(after class) saying that the teacher was cute. I have to agree.

After that class we rushed on to a philosophy class - subject: Death. Flox and Marsi were still with, and I did not get lost going there.*

Philosophy: Death was interesting, largely because the class I sat in on, dealt based on the assumption that death=oblivion - something that I us as a base as well. The professor stuttered a bit, but gave great senarios. I wound up particpating the class. Since we were dealing with what is good or bad for unborn, death, or dying people, I had some stuff to say. One bit of annoyment was that the class did not use the same distinitons in senarios that I do. Whether something is good or bad also includes at what time-frame we are saying this from, who is the one saying, and what subdivision of my mind are we using to define good and bad. The last is impossible in a class, but the lack of the former two annoyed me greatly. I wound up having to make asumptions. Thankfully that only makes an 'ass' of 'u'(there is no me like in ass'u'me [bad joke])

It is of not that some many pre-frosh came to the class that people were standing up.

Now, we(Flox, Marsi and myself) headed to our next class. It was about this point that I realised they were kinda following me. I guess it was because I looked like I knew what I was doing.

Anyway, the next class that I had planned was a Gov class. We managed to get lost in the building while trying to find it, the apex of which was me going down a stairway that dead-ended with this lone office. Fortunatly, that office contained a professor who was more than happy to try to explain how to get to were we were trying to go. We he realised that the explanation was a bit complicated, he was off and leading us to the classroom. It turned out to be inside an unmarked door that I had walked up to earlier.

Gov class was mostly about Marx's ideas. It was vaguely interesting, and would be more interesting if I could remember Marx's writing better. I had also wound up holding Flox's notepad, and being the nosy chum I am, read what she had wrote. I felt a bit guilty about it later, but that's later.

After that, I went on a tour. There were two campus tours, and F&M went on one, and I on the other.

Tour was nice, and I got a better feel for the campus. It was cold and it ran over time, though.

Because it ran over time, I got to lunch a bit late. I ate non-painful foods, then hurried off to see what I had to do before my interview. Please note that eatting non-painful foods meant me eating a sandwich that I had removed the bacon bits from.

Someone told me that I should not wear jeans to the interview. Seeing as I hate wearing jeans, I was more than happy to run off back home and change into long underwear and the green synthetic pants that I wear so often. (Nekele, I don't think you've ever seen me not wearing them)

The interview turned out to me more me interviewing an addmissions person than them interviewing me. Linda(the 'admissions person') explained a good deal about everything, but could not provide the specific infomation I wanted about the English Department of Bowdoin.

After that I got a towel, brought it back to my home, then went an listened to several people talk about finacial aid. I was in the front row, but I was wearing far to much clothes - I was warm. As some of you may know, when I get warm I fall asleep. In the front row. In front of the people in charge of admissions, financial aid, and diversity.

Warm = sleepy. Lack of sleep previous night + sleepy = falling asleep.

I do believe that Flux needled me about it later. but as soon as it was over, I quickly got outside and cooled off.

We then left for dinner, during which I had foods that did not pain me. I also had about four glasses of choclate milk. Yes, Ivegotanaxe and Nekele, I drank that much. Oh, and the noodles were very good.

During dinner, I talked with Flux and managed to read the notepand I had earlier, save now with her approval. It made me feel better. We also talked about various subjects, and managed to weird out the guy sitting next to me.

After dinner, Flux and Marsi dragged me along to a swing dance taking place in their Social House. Before it started, I got to check out the wall art on the walls of te basement, and find a bathroom to lock myself in. Some people reading this should know how much I like to dance...

Anyway, after I got out of that restroom, I had removed a few pieces of clothes(I will not swing dance in long underwear, nor wearing excess shirts) and started to dance. And dance. And dance.

I was one of about two people there who had swing danced before. The person giving the instruction did thing a bit differently from me, but I recalled the old knowledge and danced. I danced with a lot of people, including Irina. People were not drunk, and managed to pick up what to do pretty quickly. I taught some people, and used just about everything I learnt in Satori (sans that thing on the ground and the throws).

After I got a bit tired(two hours later), I watched funny stuff from SNL and others with Flux(who had danced a little) and Marsi(who danced naught at all). A bit later I left and went to sleep back from whence I came. Well, I watched some stupid humour over there as well. These things get hard, however, after one removes one's contact lenses.

The next morning, I woke up at a de3cent time. It was 11:00 when I woke, or 8:00 in LA. I took a shower, washing dirt and other things off my body. I felt petty good after that, so I headed over for brunch.

Brunch was good, but I managed to get a pizza that had bacon bits on it. I ate it anyway, not chewing the bacon bits.

After Brunch, I when home and did stuff until most of the pre-frosh in my house left for the shopping trip in Freeport. I left with them.

On the to Freeport, I sat with Flox, and talked about things. I also continued to unsult her in various ways. It was fun, making her self-concious, but it wasn't with any ill intent.

At Freeport I went shopping with Flox in all the smaller shops. L.L. Bean is based there, a company that I really hadn't heard of before, but we went to smaller stores like "As-Cool-As-A-Moose." Really great trinkets, and I overcame my adversion to buying non-essentials enough to get a magnet from my dad. There was some really cool stuff there.

After that we(Flox and I) went an Ice-Cream shop. I can't remember what was the last time I had had ice cream, but I got a "[something] Minterland." It was peppermint with chocolate chunks in it. No green coloring, but a lot of good taste. Flox had a bit of mine, but I don't like coffee, even coffee ice-cream.

Then we looked around a bit then went back to campus.

Next on the schedule was a semi-formal dinner. Flox freaked me out about how dressed up it was supposed to be by ironing a skirt she had brought along for the occasion. I wore a Manchester United collar shirt and the green synthetic pants - with a belt!


Hey, at least I was dressed up more than Elmer(who everyone made jokes about).

I sat with Rebecca and some other epople from some promienent city. I also was next to a guy from Houuston that I believe Flox remembers.

The food was good, and eatable without pain.

After the dinner, I found one of the faulty that had attended - the... Dean, was it?... of the english department. We talked about the English department of Bowdoin at length.

I left the dinner with Irina, Flox, and Marsi, and when to Irina's room so she could change to warmer clothes. While outside we talked about maine's propsition 1 and related issues(gay marriage prdominately).

After that we went to the top of the second tallest building in Maine(sixteen floor[I almost did a quote from the musical 'Oklahoma!']) then to the Union for the Poetry Slam. While waiting for that to begin, we sat around on the second floor and talked. There was funny litle incident that happened while Marsi and Flox were down seeing if the Poetry slam had started:

I was talking with Irina, and she rubbed against me and made a comment about cat-likeness and marking territory. I responded about dogs and peeing to mark territory. She laughed and, worried that she could not maintain the upright kneel on the couch, rolled and shifted to sit normally. Rolled and shifted off the couch, she did. She fell on the ground(and I was worried she had hit her head) then continued to laugh and laugh and laugh. She sat up again the couch, and I sat down next to her. And she laughed some more.

I found it really hilarious, though I did not laugh nearly as much. A note for you all: I do find things funny, or even hilarious - just because I'm not laughing doesn't mean I don't get it... I just don't laugh. I chuckle though.

Anyway, some of Irina's friends from LA appeared and we all talked about Diana. I won't go into a few things on this LJ, though.

Flox returned from the Poetry Slam, and we when Party-hunting. The party we when to sucked(I'm glossing over details here), so we wandered around in the cold, eventually winding back in the Union.

I checked out the Poetry Slam, and talked to Fumio about SMC credits being transferable. Then I went back up to where the others were.

Some of them left for the party again, and if you want that part go ask Flox. For my part, I stayed in the union with Irina, and talked about all sorts of things. We later moved to a quieter part of the Union and talked some more while cuddling. We also danced a bit to the music downstairs, but I was too tired(read: warm) to dance much. So we *ahem* cuddled some more.

Apparently Flox came by to were she had left us, and didn't find us.

Anyway, about 2:00 in the morning(or 11:00 back at home), the Union closed down, so Irina and I wandered over to the party to find our friends. Obviously the party had ended, so we called Flox and talked to her a bit. I went to my home, Irina went to hers.


The next morning I got up realy early at 7:00 (or 4:00 at home) to make sure I said goodbye to Flox. People were leaving on bus rides thoughout the day, and I was worrying that she was one of those on the early buses.

My fears we unfounded, so I when to the Social house Flox and Marsi stayed in and guessed** the code that opened the door. The floor creaked horrendously as I did my best to sneak around(yet another reason I had real shoes). Flox and Marsi were both still asleep, so I waited by the window for them to wake. Also by the window so I could see if Irina had, by some bizarre twist of fate, a different plane flight than mine and was leaving early.

7:45, Marsi kinda woke up and asked me what time it was. Then she went back to sleep. A bit later, Flox woke up, and she put on her glasses and saw me. I think I spooked her a bit. She had Marsi put on her glasses, and so Marsi found out that I was, you know I.

After a bit of waiting(I had nothing better to do), the two of them got ready then we went and roused Irina.

Then we all broke our fasts at the Union.

Of note during breakfast was that Flox made herself scrambled eggs twice and was very happy with the result. They were about as good as mine. Irina make herself waffles--real ones, not the frozen kind--and enjoyed one. She made another and didn't finished so I ate it. It was good but had a lot of cream on it. A lot. Flox remembers, I suppose. And none of the food hurt my mouth.

After breakfast we headed over to the place we were getting picked up by the buses at. I had packed earlier, but I had to run back to my social house to fetch the towel that I had borrowed.

It turned out that Flox and Irina were both on the same bus as me. Not exactly surprising, but quite nice. We loaded our stuff into the bus and left. Irina was sitting behind me, and I was sitting next to some girl from Conneticut(sp >.<) that I had never met before. The two of us talked about a lot of stuff during the bus ride, from cadavers to ice-skating.


We arrived at the airport and I only had minor trouble: Some worries over were to check in, then getting stopped at the security checkpoint. Smooth job, Nil - yes, your pants have metal in them, your watch has metal in it and guess what your necklace was made of? Oddly enough, I've got though plenty of other places wearing that much, and not been stopped. I swear that all the little airports have the good machines.

After that I got some lemonade at starbucks, and talked with Flox and Irina. Flox went through my backpack while I went to the bathroom, and the guy from the semi-formal dinner showed up.

Eventually my flight(Irina's too, for that matter), started boarding, so we said goodbye. I hear that Flox did not enjoy her flights very much...

The first flight was mostly uneventful, save for some seating confusion. The guy next to me had a magazine that he finished somewhere along the sky, and I got to read that.

In Dulles, which I think has a horrible layout, we trekked all the way to one end to eat at Panda Express(I wasn't touching McDonalds, though Panda Express hurt my teeth a bit) and all way to the other end to get on our flight. We made it just in time(four minutes to spare).

The second flight was a 777, and had those lovely screens in front of each seat. I looked forward to visual entertainment(pun!).

Before that I tried to see if I could sit next to Irina, but that didn't work out.

So I went with visual entertainment.

Except my screen was broken.

The guy next to me was reading Blink, a very interesting looking book. He also had his monitor on.

So I got a kink in my neck from watching Batman Begins over his shoulder. Good movie, better that most of the Batman stuff I have seen. Nice twist that I didn't quite see coming.

Then I got a kink the other way in my neck by looking down the hall at someone who was watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The was another good movie, and was a lot deeper than I expected.

Then we disembarked(word comes from Diseminated and Barked) at LAX.

There we found that Diana was missing. I still don't know what happened(note to self, check with Irina), but it was a Bad Thing.

My mother and I waited until Irina's ride arrived, then took of for home.

The End

Wait! Wait! Wait! --not yet.

You think I would title it "Back From Maine and Oral Annoyances" just because I had to eat food that didn't hurt? You did? Well you're silly - I'm an author and these things need a story arc; this food hurt and this didn't doesn't cut it.


On Tuesday a note worthy thing happened. First, I operated the trip to LATTC via bus, and then took it back to a particular location in LA...

My orthodonist's office.

I had those nasty things known as 'spacers' removed. That make me happy.

And then, over the course of two hours, I found myself the proud new owner of a good deal of metal in my mouth.

Yes, I now have braces. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. These things(as most of you reading this already know) suck. It wasn't so back when they first put them on, but I woken up today and if I even-so-fucking-much-as-touch them, it hurts. Hurts a very annoying amount. I ate fucking oatmeal this morning. I think a few of you know what I think of oatmeal, and I daresay a few more now know.

Oh, and cleaning the divinity-be-forsaken things is bloody annoying as well. As hell.

So in short, I had a nice trip to Maine, and am becoming acquainted with braces.

Quote: "Yes, I think you're a pathalogical flirt."

The (real) End

* : something of a lie. It appears that my sense of direction only tells me were buildings are in relation to me, not where the doors are. And it doesn't always work.

** : By 'guessed' I mean 'knew that the code for their door was the same as the on for the door of my social house'
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