I took a personality quiz tonight, and I figured that I would do my habit, and post the results up here with review.
http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=lWetmkQjjGGXcTZ-OO-CDACD-950b The test was surprisingly fun to do, with an interesting yet intuitive way of measuring things. I know that it's less definite than those "Yes-No" "Which
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You do fit most of the characteristics. I think that you just don't quite fit in the directing other parts of the leader one. You do fit many of the things, in seeing things from others' perspectives and such. Finding beauty in form and efficiency? That would make you good at setting realistic goals, and organizing things, at least theoretically. That would be a quality of a good leader.
I think you are not a leader because you are TOO conscious of others' feelings and desires (well, what you can sense of them), and too hesitant to argue your point of view, or ask people to do things for you. I think you could be more of a leader if you were more motivated, if that makes sense? Not even necessarily in all parts of your life, since I know that I'm only a leader in other things, and horribly shy in other things.
I don't know how you function in groups, honestly. I haven't spent time around you. In group projects, what role do you play? Does somebody else assign what people do, and decide the direction of the project, and such, or do you? My guess would be that you are not the leader in such things?
Your leadership abilities are not put to use because of your unwillingness to tell others what to do. A leader invariably has to do so, in some form or another. You're not even willing to try to persuade people (except your mother), and when you enter into debates you choose a position other than the one you actually hold. While it is good to be able to see from other points of view, the leader has to be consistent in his/her (voiced) perspective and goals. And they have to be willing to direct others. You are neither.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing! You're kind and sweet and not forceful. You're just not much of a leader. But that's okay, because the whole world can't be leaders. You set a (mostly) good example for people in your morality and benevolence, and that is a good thing. It would probably be compromised to some degree if you were a leader. So be happy with who you are, even if you're not a leader. You're a good person, and that's what matters.
(Also, I don't really think that the conclusions drawn by these are necessarily accurate due to the sliding bar bit. And the answers may vary depending on your mood, and whether you're basing your answers on behaviour or thought or ability. We're studying IQ tests and psychological tests, and many of them give completely bogus results. I can tell you more another time, but for now I need to go get breakfast.)
Umm... I'll write something up when I have more than ten minutes before my next class.
And if it's too long for personally interested souls like me...
Oh, and I suppose I could respond to your wonderfully long and substantive post, if you still would like me too. I'm guessing that there's not going to be anyone else commenting on this. (Heck, I'm amazed you commented, right now.)
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