First off, I did some stuff on my website. Specificly, I changed some
stuff in the "stories" section. More specifically than that, I replaced
Everything that said "Scars of the Soul" with the new title of that
piece: "Broken". It was a headache, seeing as it shows up in the
section menu... which meant that I had to change a title and a URL on
every page in the section. Annoying.
I also added a link to a forum that is aptly named "
Anything and Everything". There are three active members, and none of us say much. So it's more like "Occasionally Something, but Mostly Nothing"
I also should update the description of the webcomic "
because Rukis has gotten a new scanner, and is now updating again. With
the new updates, I'm getting the feeling that Demeter is going to do
something really nasty to Ms. LeChance. But maybe not. I don't know,
but I hope the next update comes reasonably soon...
Speaking of wanting updates soon, the latest update of "
was just delicious. Not in the way that Demeter would use that word,
but rather that I liked it a lot, and it seems to be leading to
something later. Something that will make me very happy.
Enough of webcomics.
Elsewhere in this life, I just finished "The Legend of Zelda: Wind
Waker." I found it rather good. My only points of annoyment were the
conversations - I miss voices, and if the text were captions, it would
be badly captioned. But very good nonetheless.
Somewhat superior would be the game "Beyond: Good and Evil." Pretty
much the only flaw I could find was that the mouths moved to the french
dialogue, rather than the english. But that's not really a flaw by most
standards: it's just the I couldn't find anything else - gameplay,
story, sounds... everything else was impeccable.
Oh, and back on the subject of webcomics, I was pleased to find that
the artist behind the webcomic "
survived hurricane
Katrina. She lived in New Orleans, and I got worried when she
disappeared. It also seems that she's rather unhappy with what
happened after Katrina. That's something of an
understandment. In fact, what I just said was an understadment
too. Check out her news even if you aren't going to read any of
the comic - it's really quite something... I she's got as much additude
as Rukis, and that's saying a lot.