Title: Ch.06 - Busted
Pairing: Kato/?
Rating: PG-13
Length: Chapter
Genre: Slash, chapter, mystery, first person.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything or anyone related to JE. These are only ideas floating around my head that I decided to write about.
Summary: Shige begins to get strange notes from an anonymous source. He doesn't know if they're a
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OMG my heart dokidoki
but i don't want tegoshi!! i want ryochan ahhaks (i'm nishikato biased) hehehe
thank god its not tegoshi ne!!!
ahahks and then the best part yamapi u should not interupt them hehehe
Lol. Yeah, Tegoshi oddly enough wasn't really an option I kept very long when I was deciding. Well he was my third one out of the choices. But although I do love Tegoshige, I didn't want it for this fic ^_^
Hehe. Yamapi definitely should not interrupt moments like that, although maybe Tegoshi wouldn't have said yet anyway. Guess we won't know *grin* Thank you for reading!
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