Apr 15, 2012 14:13
Soooo, my life has pretty much just failed epicly in every single way. Mostly in the school way, though. I had to write this paper for history where I interview someone who lived through WWII, and first off, they have to be old, and where the heck do you even get old people? But anyway, I found a guy and had an interview all lined up, and then he cancelled, like, three days before the paper is due. So I'm trying to find someone else, I call what I thought was a nursing home and made an idiot of myself because it's not a nursing home, it's a home for people with mental disabilities, but I finally am able to find something. My friend works at a nursing home, and even though it's a nursing home mainly for people with Alzheimers and dimensia, at least they are old enough. So I was supposed to call her Saturday and go there and interview someone, but I kind of totally crapped out and forgot, because of things. And Sunday I worked while she was at her work, so I couldn't go do it. And today is Monday, and the paper's due, but I just figured, whatever I'll take the zero on it. But now I find out I CAN'T take the zero on it, because if I don't pass in all the stuff for this class I get an L, which is basically just a big fat zero for the whole entire semester, never mind that I did everything else. So now I'm gonna have to get in touch with my friend and hopefully go interview an old person some other time, and pass the paper in late, and hope I don't friggin' fail this whole class.
This is not to mention the fail I am having in my other classes.
And on top of all this school fail, I have been CRAZY tired for the past week and a half. Like...I haven't been sleeping that great I guess, but honestly I've had worse nights than these, but I am just so tired all the time that sometimes I just can't even remember what the crap I'm doing. And, no, I don't think I have depression, 'cause even though I'm stressed out and kinda in a bad mod a lot, I still can be in a good mood sometimes, and I'm still interested in things like usual, and actually have a lot of motivation towards some things that have been on the back-burner for a while. I'm just tired, that's it, but it's kinda making life suck. And I end up falling asleep and taking naps a lot, even though I don't want to because I could be using that time to be productive, and the nap doesn't even matter anyway, because I wake up still being tired.
And then, probably because of my lack of proper sleep, I have been getting headaches, and I have a cold as well (which at least that seems to be mostly passed now). Anyway, sorry to dump this pile of crap and whining on you (who probably is nobody anyway, so why am I even apologizing?) but I just kind of wanted to vent a little.