Apr 15, 2005 19:28
soo yeah, you guys prolly noticed that i haven't updated in foreverr. my livejournal just kind of died after i got a myspace (which btw, i didnt want in the first place) and yeah now im just too lazy/dont have time to ever write in here. so i'm just updating to let you know that my "ever so awesome" entries are basically over. i'm just keeping my lj so i can look at my friends' pages etc. but if i ever do update in here it'll prolly jst be with pictures once in a while. but before this all shuts down i'll just update you on the past few weeks:
so spring break was basically a blastt... i did something everyday and it was awesome. i dont remember everything but i definately had good times tping at the big NINE p.m... going to an iceskating rink and getting lost...watching adult films with my HEROS...seeing my mommy again after like 5 weeks...roxanna's dope 16th birthday party!! (i held that water like a badass camel)...tracys sweet birthday party also (totally owned black jack at the end)...good times with my hero superGIRL && watching her fall down her stairs...O.C. nite with the posse...anyways lot of fun. every weekend of this month is filled with stuff to do too and family guy/american dad starts next month so im pretty stoaked. also, happy birthday to amanda, tracy, lauren seg, dustin and anyone else born in this month. && i've missed sex escort over the past few weeks we've totally abondoned our meetings,but definately another one sometime soon.
sorry that i'm such a lazy ass guys but yeah..this had to end sometime. but keep posting, much luv peace out <33