yoo... soo school is sucking ass right now and finals are coming up soon so im basically fucked. i have 29378443 projects to do and half of them are from dear mrs lalonde..that sob. hahah, me and "mrslalonde123" had the best convo on aim, i cant put it on here tho cuz if she finds it, our asses are roasted. k so0o not much has happened this week... amanda had her spanish project on monday and i couldnt stop laughing. i have to present mine on thursday...fuck. anyway...wat else, oh i joined "the boat" with chelsea and amanda this week, haha. on friday we played dodgeball in our tennis class...go figure. our team suked lol, we were a bunch of sissys but after that i ended up owning hung and dodging three balls at the same time :> ohh man. i still hate that game.
k soo on friday me and amanda chilled in her crib and we went on a hike to her "big ass canyon" haha. that was soo much fun. dude that place is SOO scary. its like this steep hill full of nothing but thorny bushes and if u fall over the edge u land in this big ass canyon that doesn't have any water in it to break your fall. so we started our journey and i was wearing shoes with holes in the toes and a fucking SKIRT cuz we jst had tennis and amanda was wearing her capris (remember that). we declared that we had to find something by the time we came back up. so me and amanda walked through SHIT, ok? we like walked through bushes that mite as well be fucking cactus and we finally got to this one place where you're able to stand without your legs falling off. and we found like a 50 year old fake christmas tree that was torn all over the place..yah that was weird. oh, hahaha and on the way down amanda fell like head long into a bush and was stuck in it hahahh that was funny. and she tore this one tree out of the ground and the roots were hanging on at the bottom so we hid it by her gate when we went back up. then while we were up there i found a bone. YES i swear, i bone. i was like holy fuck...and then amanda found another one in a bush...it was creepy. lol i brought mine home and buried it. yah so we finally got back in her house and our legs DIED. my legs were scratched everywhere cuz of my fucking tennis skirt and amanda had worse cuts and she was wearing capris lol. and we both have some kind of spliter poison thing on our hands in the same place and when we touch it it feels like we have a bruse.. so yah we're prolly poisoned and are going to die soon. so after that we just watched 24 and made a sim house with a few people from school which im not going to say who, but it's the funniest thing in the world.
then today i went out to get my hair cut but i didnt actually get it cut :< how short should i get it? n then we went to see in good company which suked cuz the guy lost his job and slutty gf in the end, so it was kind of pointless. it was still fun tho... lol the old guy smiles like he has a coat hanger in his mouth. k well today is my last bit of freedom before i DIE cuz tom's gonna suk ass and next weekend i have to study my ass off for finals...fuck im goign to die :< ughh. k well im out... peace <3
what kind of bone does that look like? i think it looks like a dog's foot or something...