(no subject)

Apr 09, 2013 19:15

A/N: Prompt: Dawn. 430 words

Someone Has Got to Do It

No matter what way Ellen rehashed it, it sometimes seemed that she and her friends would always be 'the kids that got out of the wrong part of Cordoba City'. "Someday you've got to stop thinking of yourself as just that," she chided herself as she threaded an old, but clean pair of red shoelaces through her sneakers. She knew that it was odd to have shoelaces that matched the color of her hair, but she wouldn't have it any other way.
She looked up at the sound of her bedroom door opening. "Thought you'd be out of here by now, Macky," she drawled. Of course she knew that her boyfriend had no real intention of leaving the flat that they shared with two other friends, but it was always fun to tease him about each time he threatened to do so.
"Can't pay the rent elsewhere. Besides, you're still here," Macky said as he threw himself on their bed. "I don't know why you still stick around, Elle. Around them, I mean, not me."
"You know perfectly well why. Cas is like my sister."
"And Anton?"
Ellen shrugged as she untwisted a kink in her right shoelace. They had this discussion far too many times before, and yet the point never seemed to drill through Macky's skull. It seemed that for as long as their roommate insisted on his life as part time law student and part time unofficial journalist that this would always be an issue. "I know you think he's batty. Sometimes I do too. But someone has to do the dreaming for all four of us."
The raven-haired man rolled his eyes. "He doesn't even have the hard-knock story that you and Cas do. He's never lived in foster care, lost his parents, gotten kicked out, or gone through---"
"Macky, shut up! Please!"
He sighed as he looked at her, with her hands clapped now over her ears. "Sorry Elle. I know you don't want me to talk about it...."
She nodded. It hurt enough to remember the past, more so to hear it from someone else. "I wish it was a dream. A dream that disappears at daybreak. But you've seen the scars. You've seen how Cas' back looks."
"So why does Anton have to care?" Macky asked, sitting up on the bed.
"I s'pose because like you, he believes we all deserve better."
"Does it have to be him?"
Ellen smiled before scooting over to him to stroke his hair. "If not him, then who? You? Me? We're not yet strong enough for that."
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