Fic: a Different Kind of Friendship (HP/CSI:NY, gen)

Feb 16, 2012 17:58

Title: A Different Kind of Friendship
Author: loonie_lupin (ff. net)/nilitara (livejournal)
Fandom: HP, CSI :NY

Characters/pairing : Harry Potter, Adam Ross (friendship only), Mac
Rating: PG
Summary: While telling the story to Adam, Harry remembers what Victor said.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 044. Circle.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

Prompt table

A Different Kind of Friendship - main entry

044. Circle.

It should have been the end of Harry’s participation to the case and it would have been, had it not been for Adam asking for information about the Hallows as soon as he came home, inquiring how Harry had found out about them in the first place.

Harry hadn’t yet told Adam everything about the war so he had no reason of knowing the story behind the Hallows. Seeing that he had already given half an explanation to Mac, Harry decided why not. He told the tale to Adam, telling him what exactly they were, how he had found them and actually became the Master of Death, even when he didn’t want to, how he ‘lost’ two of the three because he didn’t want to wield that power. It was a long story but Adam listened, fascinated, as he often was by Harry’s world. Then he asked the question that changed everything.

“But how is it that you found the sign that first time. I mean, just because there was a symbol in a book didn’t mean it meant something. I mean, there was no explanation to what it was no? How did you end up finding out it was the symbol of the Hallows?”

“We asked one of our friends’ father. He had been wearing it at a wedding a few months earlier. I mean, I remembered it because of Victor saying…”

Harry trailed off, remembering that particular conversation and he could have smacked himself. He had to go back and tell Lieutenant Taylor. The person who had drawn the symbol didn’t know a thing about the Deathly Hallows, he could have bet on that.

“Harry?” Adam asked when his friend didn’t finish his explanation.

The wizard was already on his feet, though, and practically ran for the door, telling Adam to come with him.

“We need to go back to your workplace. I need to talk to Lieutenant Taylor. I made a mistake, there is something he need to know.”

Adam’s head was still spinning at how quickly Harry and he went back to his office. Harry was muttering all the way there, hoping that Mac was still in his office, because he really thought it was important. Thankfully, Mac was still fond of staying afterhours.”

Mac was not only there, but also absolutely stunned to see them appear in his office. He hadn’t planned on seeing Harry again so soon, as he hadn’t yet had time to read the book in details. He frowned.

“Adam? Harry? Is something the matter?”

Adam shrugged helplessly. Yes, there was apparently something wrong, he just didn’t know what. Harry, on the other, knew exactly what was going on.

“It’s about the meaning of the symbol. I made a mistake. I mean, what I told you was the truth, it was the real meaning of the symbol and that’s why it’s what came to my mind when I had to explain. But I was talking to Adam about it and I thought back about the very first time I noticed it and I remembered a conversation I had with one of my friend. He told me about what he thought it mean. He was wrong, of course, but I know there are a lot of people who think like him. Actually, they are more people who think like him than those who know the truth. I had totally forgotten about that.”

Mac understood what Harry was trying to say. He had not thought about asking the young man if there was another meaning to it and, apparently, there wasn’t. There were just lots of people mistaking.

“What is it then?”

“Well, it all goes back to something that happened around the same time as WWII. There was a man in Europe - I know he lived in England for a while but I’m not sure where he was from exactly. Anyway, his name was Gellert Grindlewald. He wasn’t a nice man. I mean, at the beginning, he wasn’t all that bad. He had some opinions I don’t really agree with but… well, everyone is entitled to their beliefs. Except that things happened and he became more and more radical and active and, in the end, well, he killed a lot of people and so did those who followed him. He was very interested in the legend of the Hallows, actually believed in their existence and wanted to find them. That’s why he adopted the symbol and now, there are a lot of people who associate, wrongly, this symbol with him.”

Mac acquiesced. That may actually be a better possibility that the one from the story. It could have been someone trying to become ‘the Master of Death’, he knew some people could believe in things like that but it made more sense for someone to adopt a signature from an already known killer than trying to conquer them. Though, it that Grindlewald had killed so many people, even if it was in Europe and so long ago, he wondered how it was that no one made the connection. It should at least be in one of their database. It seemed strange no one had heard about him.

“You said he became more radical but, what was his ideology in the first place?”

That was the important question there. If the killer adopted the ideology of Grindlewald, they could not only reduce the suspect list but also be able to know who would the potential victims be because, for now, they could see no common point, it seemed they were chosen at random, which made it incredibly difficult to predict his moves.

“Purity of blood actually. He thought that some people, an elite, should become a dominant class and control others who he considered less apt at making choices.”

He was certain that Harry was telling the truth but Mac could see there was still something he was holding back and that didn’t please him at all. It made him seem shifty and, since he was a friend of Adam, he really didn’t want to consider the young man as a potential suspect. He would, of course, should the evidence point that way but he would rather avoid it if possible.

“You’re not telling me everything,” he still said because he wanted to give Harry a chance. “What class of people would be better to govern in his opinion and how exactly do you know so much about someone I never heard about?”

Harry didn’t answer him immediately but took the time to look at Adam, as if silently asking him a question. Adam nodded, apparently understanding what Harry wanted to know and Mac let them have this conversation for the moment. He could be patient and, as long as Harry didn’t try to leave the office without telling him everything, it was alright. Harry closed his eyes and seemed to make a decision. Adam made sure the office door was closed and Mac looked at Harry curiously.

“Tell me Lieutenant Taylor,” he began in a voice that told Mac the rest of his sentence was going to change everything. “Do you believe in magic?”

pairing: gen, crossovers100, character:harry potter, crossover: hp/csiny, fic: a different kind of friendship

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