Fic: a Different Kind of Friendship (HP/CSI:NY, gen)

Feb 16, 2012 17:51

Title: A Different Kind of Friendship
Author: loonie_lupin (ff. net)/nilitara (livejournal)
Fandom: HP, CSI :NY

Characters/pairing : Harry Potter, Adam Ross (friendship only), Flack/Jess
Rating: PG
Summary: All Harry wanted was breakfast. That was without counting on his luck
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 050. Food.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

Prompt table

A Different Kind of Friendship - main entry

059. Food.

Seriously, thinking back about it, Harry knew he should have realized that, just because Voldemort was dead and buried this time around, it wouldn’t mean that his luck had changed all that much. Getting into troubles without going looking for them must have been in his genes.

However, he had been lulled into a false sense of security. After all, in the whole year that had just passed by, he had actually managed to stay out of dangerous situation. It must have been a record. Nothing bad had happened to him: no accident, no witnessing something he shouldn’t have seen, no eavesdropping on a conversation he shouldn’t have heard, no finding himself playing the hero. No, everything had been calm. Almost too calm actually, now that he thought about it. He had chalked it up to his own personal nemesis being dead and finally living without a madman out for his blood. He should have realized it just meant something big was going to happen later on.

He had just wanted some food, for Merlin’s sake. He had left in a hurry this morning, he couldn’t even remember why right now, and he hadn’t eaten before leaving. Now, Harry didn’t always think with his stomach, like Ron; between the near-starvation period at the Dursley and his year on the run, he had known hunger. Still, why would he decide to starve himself when he could just eat something? So he had stopped in a restaurant.

He had thought he would order something, get his food and then be on his way, no question asked, just a quick stop. Of course, that was without counting on his dreadful luck, which had decided to make its come-back at that time.

One second, he was already salivating in anticipation of his breakfast, next all hell broke loose. There was a car taking out the window bay and then shooting and Harry’s instinct kicked in. It may have been more than a year since the end of the war, but there was some reflex that stayed with you, no matter what. Apparently, staying alive and keeping innocents safe was one of them.

It took him all of a second to realize it was a kidnapping attempt and one concerning a guy Adam had told him all about, at that. Now, normally, he would have tried to prevent it but there was something more urgent and that was the shooter who was taking aim at the cop trying to protect the person being kidnapped.

Stopping a kidnapping where the person may still have hours to live or saving the person who was going to get shot in the next few seconds? It wasn’t even a choice he had to consciously make. His body reacted on autopilot and he got the policewoman out of the way as the bullets flew right past them. He felt his body slam onto the floor and shreds of wood, coming from the counter, flew everywhere above them.

It was complete chaos for a while longer before back up finally turned up. Harry was distantly aware of people talking around him, saying that Dunbrook - the man who was being protected he supposed - had actually been kidnapped; he swore to himself, thinking he should have been able to prevent it but using his magic had been out of question and, anyway, he had reacted the muggle way without even thinking about it, consequence of not having used his magic much in the last year. Moody would be so disappointed in him right now.

He tried to get up once he had rolled of the woman he had pinned on the floor, but as he did so, he felt a searing pain in his side and he just fell back on the floor. What the hell was that? He looked down at himself and realized there was blood all over his shirt. Well, damn, he had actually been shot. Fuck.

“Hey, are you with me?”

He turned to the voice and found himself face to face with the police officer he had taken a bullet for. He dimly observed she was quite beautiful, but her face was marred with worry. Yes, he supposed that a cop wouldn’t react very well to a civilian getting shot in the process of saving them. Understandable.

“Yes, I’m fine.”

It was his default phrase and his friends had always hated it. Apparently, it was a sentence that didn’t work with law enforcement either, because the woman made a face and he heard a snort coming from his left. He turned and face what had to be the woman’s partner and, looking at the way his eyes kept on coming back to her to check if she was really okay, in more senses that one.

“You’ve been shot, man, you’re so not fine,” he said sarcastically and the woman sent him a glare.

“Shut it, Flack. I’m Jessica, this is Don,” she continued, completely missing Harry’s look of recognition as she went on, telling him that an ambulance was on his way; Harry completely tuned out the rest of the sentence as he wasn’t thinking all that clearly, probably due to the blood loss.

“You’re Adam’s friends,” he blurted, cutting her out.

Both her and Flack startled at that. Apparently, that wasn’t what they were expecting. It’s a small world after all and if he was beginning to quote Disney songs, annoying Disney songs at that, it meant that he really wasn’t feeling well.

“You know Adam?” Jess asked as she came out of her daze.

Harry’s world was beginning to blur around him. It was really annoying being hurt and not be able to do anything about it. Plus, he knew there was no way he would escape being taken to the hospital. He could already feel that he was going to lose consciousness soon and there was no way the paramedics were going to let him go without a hospital stay. Damn, he and his stupid saving people things; well, he wasn’t sorry he had saved Jess, even less now that he knew she was his friend’s friend, but still.

“Friends. Roommates,” he added in a small whisper as he finally lost the fight and his mind slipped into nothingness.

Flack and Jess looked at each other with the same expression, one that meant they really didn’t like the situation they were in.

“We’re going to have to tell Adam,” Jess said because he had a right to know immediately, especially if they were close friends.

Flack nodded. Yes, they needed to do it and that was a phone call he really didn’t want to make. But the kid would probably want his friends with him when he woke up and Flack couldn’t forget the fact that he had saved Jess. She could have been the one with a bullet hole in her body right now, more than one actually. He would have to thank the kid.

“I didn’t even get to ask his name,” Jess whispered as she looked onto the paramedics, given her savior first aid.

Flack nodded.

“We will know soon enough,” he said. “Go with them, Jess, stay with the kid. Someone will have to take his statement anyway. I will call Adam. And Jess,” he added as she was beginning to make her way to the ambulance.

She turned, ready to ask what it was, and her lips were capture by his.

“I love you,” he said, aware that he could have lost her.

pairing: gen, crossovers100, character:harry potter, crossover: hp/csiny, fic: a different kind of friendship

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