HP/SPN: Touched by an Angel (Harry/Castiel)

Mar 25, 2010 11:38

Title: Touched by an Angel (XXIX)
Author: nilitara
Fandom: HP, SPN
Rating: PG
Charaters: Harry, Castiel 
Summary: As Harry is dying, he sees Castiel's eyes and everything inside.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 015. Blue.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.
Note: Thanks to dixid who read through the story and corrected my mistakes. If some are still there, they are mine. I'm going to go through the entry for chapter 1 to 28 and paste the corrected version of the story in the next few days.

Touched by an Angel - Main entry

015. Blue.

Blue. Shockingly blue.

Harry was still rambling mentally about the situation he was in, about how he had come to be there exactly, half-seeing the battle raging, half-seeing the crossroad he knew to be part of the afterlife, when his whole vision was invaded by two magnificent orbs of the bluest shade ever.


Harry was unable to contain the smile that graced his lips, even given the situation. If there was one thing he had always wanted before dying, it was to see Castiel one last time. If the angel was his latest vision, he could die happy. Castiel had been there for him all throughout his life, even when he wasn’t physically, so it was only fair for him to be there for his last moments on Earth.


That was the very thing he could see when he looked inside Castiel’s eyes. He could literally see Heaven, the Heaven he remembered from the time he had dreamed of it, thanks to his guardian angel. Now, he could see it once again, reflected into Castiel’s eyes.

It looked as beautiful as he could remember it. It seemed so peaceful, so calm, and he couldn’t help thinking that vision was at home in Castiel’s eyes, as if they were made to reflect this paradise. He had always associated Castiel and Heaven and now the two intertwined in a manner that made him unable to distinguish one from the other. It was almost poetic.

“Harry,” Castiel whispered and the wizard could hear his voice breaking.

Harry was almost startled by that. Not the fact that Castiel had spoken, he had been expecting it, but the emotions in his voice. That was what brought him back to reality, far away from the perspective of Heaven, to properly look at what was going on around him before looking back into the angel’s eyes, not seeing Heaven anymore but only Castiel.


There were so many emotions swimming in these blue eyes. He could see the love, the love he had first seen as a child, the love that had made him go on, that had made him cling to life with both hands, even when he was suffering so much that all anyone would have ever wanted had they been in his place would be death. A love so pure than only an angel could be capable of such feeling.

He could see the pain. The pain of seeing someone you loved dying, suffering and he could remember seeing that in Castiel’s eyes before. It had been at the beginning of that fateful summer, after Cedric’s death, before they were separated. He could remember seeing it when he had been sobbing his heart out in Castiel’s arm and the angel had tried desperately to make him smile, to calm his grief and sorrow, to assuage his guilt.

It was an emotion he could understand the angel feeling when he was suffering but why now? He wasn’t in pain. He was dying so why would the angel be in pain? After all, Castiel should not be grieving for his death, not when he knew Heaven awaited him afterwards. It was strange, very strange.

Trying to understand the reason behind this, Harry could only look more profoundly and what he saw, finally, almost made him gasp out loud.


What he could see in the depth of these eyes was love. Not the same kind he had seen at first, but another kind of love. It wasn’t one he had ever seen in Castiel’s eyes, yet he remembered seeing it more than once in Ginny’s, before they had realized that they wouldn’t work. It was the love only a human could feel towards another. It wasn’t an emotion an angel was supposed to know, it wasn’t a love as pure as the love of a guardian angel to his charge. Harry finally understood what he had missed before.

Castiel didn’t only love him. He was in love with him.

Harry realized that it was what had changed. It must have been very gradual, beginning from when he came back. It must have been happening as Castiel spent more and more time around him. The angel must have begun to develop these feelings, had begun to become more human. And yet, Castiel had probably never understood it because how could he have seen he was becoming subject to human emotions, to a particular human emotion that no angel could have ever felt.

And Harry’s eyes filled with tears at the realization that, as surely as he was slowly losing his life, Castiel was slowly losing his grace.

crossover:hp/spn, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing:harry/castiel, fic:touched by an angel

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