HP/SPN: Touched by an Angel (Harry/Castiel)

Mar 11, 2010 21:22

Title: Touched by an Angel (XXVII)
Author: nilitara
Fandom: HP, SPN
Rating: PG
Charaters: Harry, Castiel 
Summary: Castiel realizes what everyone already noticed: he has been spending quite a lot of time on Earth.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 053. Earth.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

Touched by an Angel - Main entry

053. Earth.

It took Castiel moths to realize what everyone around him had noticed before him. He was puzzled by how clueless he had been, wondering how he could have missed it. He should have seen it. Actually, to be perfectly honest, he shouldn’t have had to see it because it never should have been happening and, yet, he couldn’t dismiss the fact. He had no choice but to admit it: he had been spending more and more time on Earth.

The Winchester had been the first to notice it. Of course, they had been the one who had had the more contact with Castiel since Dean’s return from Hell. It was easier for them to notice that, while he had showed up for moments at time before, to help them when something was happening, he had been spending more time with them since Harry had come. He could be there for days before he decided to disappear for a little while and he would always come back before long. It was a surprise to them, but they didn’t think too much about it because, with Lucifer’s army approaching, they needed all the help they could get and Castiel, being an angel, was on top of the list.

Bobby had realized it too. It had taken him a little bit longer because he had rarely been in contact with Castiel before and had, therefore, not been aware immediately that it wasn’t how he used to do things. Still, he knew from what he had discovered during his research that angels in a whole didn’t spend all that much time with their charges. They usually came to them in time of need but Castiel had spent some quiet moments, long quiet moments, with Harry from start and he was beginning to see it wasn’t quite a normal angel-charge relationship between the two of them, even if they didn’t seem to realize it. Or, should he say, one of them didn’t seem to realize it.

Because Harry had seen the change. Of course, when he had been a kid, Castiel had spent lot of time with him, but it was usually either because Harry had called him, having something on his mind that he wanted to discuss with Castiel, or because he had been in danger at the time and the angel had arrived in time to save him. Yet, he had never stayed days in a row, especially not when nothing at all was going on. Harry didn’t comment about it to Castiel, but he couldn’t have helped noticing the change. He just wanted it to stay that way.

It wasn’t only on Earth that someone noticed. In Heaven, too. Uriel was one of them. He already knew that his Lord was aware of what was going on and didn’t seem to want to put a stop to it. God must have had his reason and Uriel would never question it but he knew that Castiel’s behavior was not normal for a guardian angel.

The moment Harry had found Castiel and reunited with him, Uriel had realized just how much the wizard still cared about his angel. It had puzzled him. Normally, humans didn’t really give a damn about them when they weren’t there, protecting them. Harry, though, had made sure to come back to him even years after the last time he had seen him. It was a devotion that was practically unheard of when it came to humanity.

Of course, he had been made aware years ago that Harry wasn’t just your average human being. However, he had never expected to see the wizard go to these length.

Still, it didn’t change the fact that Castiel was taking great risk. Once again, Uriel could see that the angel was getting too attached. Actually, he could see he was getting even closed to Harry than the first time around. His feeling for the young man were beginning to change. From his position, Uriel could see the evolution in Castiel and knew exactly where he was headed, even thought the younger angel didn’t seem to realize it. He knew that, one way or another, it would all soon come to an end and he could only hope that Castiel would not come to regret the inevitable outcome.

For his part, Castiel finally became aware of it after months. He knew he should have been afraid of what it meant. He knew he should have been scared that he had come to spend much more time on Earth than in Heaven. It should not be possible for an angel but, every time he was in Heaven, he just felt a pull, felt the need to come back to Harry because he was missing him. It wasn’t supposed to work that way. It wasn’t a feeling that angels should experience but it was the case and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. He knew that, he knew that better than anyone.

So, with that in mind, he went on spending more and more time by Harry’s side, having the good excuse to help the hunters prepare for the unavoidable fight against the forces of Lucifer, which were coming closer and closer to be able to walk in this world. Most of the seals were already broken and there was no way the fallen angel would give up so close to the end.

The Winchester, Bobby, Harry, himself… All of them were working hard, knowing the end was near. And Castiel could not help the nagging feeling inside of him, telling him that something was going to happen soon, something big, something else than the fight and he didn’t know whether he should be afraid of it or not. He could only pray it would not end in tears.

crossover:hp/spn, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing:harry/castiel, fic:touched by an angel

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