HP/SPN: Touched by an Angel (Harry/Castiel)

Mar 03, 2010 15:56

Title: Touched by an Angel (XXII)
Author: nilitara
Fandom: HP, SPN
Rating: PG
Charaters: Harry, Castiel 
Summary: Harry begins to have visions about Castiel and realizes the deeper meaning of it.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 035. Sixth Sense.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

Touched by an Angel - Main entry

035. Sixth Sense.

It had already been a few weeks since Harry had decided to leave England to become a hunter. He had chosen America, more precisely the States, to exercise his new ‘profession’ and it hadn’t been a lucky choice. No, he had chosen it because he knew it was where Sam and dean were and that, if he could find them, he would also find Castiel. That was the one thing that mattered to him. The angel was the reason he had decided to leave behind that quiet life he had once dreamed for and found to be once again thrown into the middle of a battle.

At least, this time, it was by his own choice.

Of course, it wouldn’t have been him if things had gone smoothly. No, they changed once again when he came to the States. No longer did he dream about Sam and Dean, so he could sleep normally once again, but something else appeared. It was full-fledged vision in the waken world this time. Suddenly, in the middle of something, he would see flashes.

There was only one common them to these vision: Castiel. No matter what the images represented, it always came back to the angel, to what he was doing. Of course, it meant there was the two brothers once again, but it wasn’t centered on them anymore. He was beginning to learn more about Castiel’s life that he had ever known when they had been together. It was strange, he should have felt like he was invading the angel’s privacy, and he knew only too well how unnerving it was for someone to know things about yourself you had never told them, yet it just felt right.

He couldn’t help but wonder why he was having these vision, though. It wasn’t as if he had ever had anyone sending them. When he had had vision of Voldemort, he knew the reason behind it. It had been the link created by the scar and intensified by the presence of the horcrux inside of him. Yet, now, he couldn’t see the reason.

Would God send him those? It was a distinct possibility, he knew it, yet he very much doubted it. He had never had an inkling that God would do it and, even so, why would He be sending him visions of Castiel in the first place? It wasn’t as if He wanted them to be reunited, the punishment Castiel received proved it.

Something about this reasoning made him frown, sitting down of his motel room. He thought back about the day he had learnt of Castiel’s punishment. When he had called on Uriel, he had been told what it had been and had known that Castiel could never see him again. He had known that all along. Except.

He cannot see you until the day you die.

That was what Uriel had told him. Castiel wasn’t allowed to see him until the day he died. Technically, that day had already come and gone. He had died. Would God consider the punishment ended? Was that the reason he was having those vision? To make him understand he could see Castiel again? It was possible.

He decided it was time to let his heart guide his actions. He had been prepared to find Castiel, just to see him from afar, even if the angel couldn’t stay with him, when he had thought the punishment still in place. Now that he realized it was very probable they were allowed to be near each other once again, he just couldn’t bear to abandon.

For the first time in so very long, he let himself believe he could find Castiel and be with him, like before, and his heart warmed at that possibility.

Except that it wasn’t the only thing that warmed. No, his eyes went to his chest, against which the pendant Castiel had given him all these years ago rested and felt the warmth seeping through his clothes, onto his skin, and a vision flashed.

Once again, he was seeing Castiel, once again he was seeing what the angel was doing but, for once, there was some additional information that could help him find him. It was just a road signal, but it indicated that it was in South Dakota.

When he came to once the vision had disappeared, he realized what he had been mission. It was the pendant, the pendant that allowed the visions and he knew that, as long as he hadn’t found Castiel, they could come for him. The powers of the pendant were always surprising him, he never knew exactly what it could do but as it had been Castiel who had given it to him, he had never thought it could be dangerous. And maybe, just maybe, the visions didn’t come from God. Maybe it was Castiel himself, without knowing. After all, Castiel had no way to know the punishment had been lifted, he had no way of knowing Harry had died since he wouldn’t have been allowed to know anything about his former charge.
Well, that was going to change, Harry thought. Dakota, here I come.

crossover:hp/spn, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing:harry/castiel, fic:touched by an angel

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