
Jan 11, 2014 00:59

the concept:

12 things to accomplish each month to aid with creative sanity and mental wellbeing. it's a bit ambitious, and i'm not quite sure if i will succeed, but i hope it will be a valiant attempt.

Each month, in no particular order:

[ ] write one (1) complete scene in film or theater, no minimum word length / page number / number of characters - typeset page preferred, but handwritten loose pages okay

[ ] write one (1) complete song with or without lyrics on guitar / piano / ipad / computer / voice / alternate instrument of choice - working temp track preferred, but demo okay

[ ] shoot one (1) session (self-portrait, or with friends; video or still) involving the use of lenses and a canon camera - edited & color corrected versions preferred, minimum of one (1) successful portrait.

[ ] donate one (1) bag of unneeded items (clothes, household items, books, etc.) to goodwill

[ ] cook one (1) meal at home from scratch

[ ] plan one (1) trip away (at minimum for 1 night or for a weekend); if N/A then visit one (1) place I haven't been to before.

[ ] read one (1) book from start to finish (neil gaiman, j.r. r. tolkien, etc.)

[ ] watch one (1) movie in the theatre

[ ] complete one (1) drawing (paint, marker, gouache, pen, etc.), no framing necessary

[ ] repurpose one (1) outfit (paint, cut, sew, etc.)

[ ] write one (1) letter to a friend I haven't spoken to in a long time; if able to meet up in person, better!

[ ] submit one (1) design to a design challenge


some of these may change, but my sincere hope is that all these are at least minimums of what can be accomplished. I'm going to try my best, under the circumstances.

current month status: 3/12

music, la vie, design, film, writing

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