I've been working on this sweater dress for the past couple of months. Yesterday, I finally sewed up the pieces. There are some slight minor tweaks I want to make to it (ahem, the hem, and the right sleeve), but most of it is together enough to be considered done. i started knitting this during the fall, when doing some extra-work for Moneyball. It's cool to be done with it. Feels like a good year to be finishing things!
Also finally caught The Social Network, and despite some of the opinions I'd been hearing about it, I actually really enjoyed it -- the performances, the music, the dialogue. The scene were Brenda Song sets her gift on fire is a bit much, but hey, it looks pretty. So there we go. And apparently they did some filming at a pretty well-known club here in SF! So yeah! Pretty fantastic stuff.
Tomorrow is the Superbowl. I'm not the geekiest person about these things, but we're going to see how the ads fare inbetween tomorrow's plays. Hopefully hulu puts up the new episodes of Glee as they air!