multi-fandom drabbles.

Sep 30, 2010 14:21

g.o/jooyeon ; non-refundable

how are you?

these three simple words make g.o want to turn back time; when he was byunghee (who was in love) and she was just jooyeon (who had his heart) instead of the jooyeon.

“i’m fine,” he answers smoothly with a refined smile, only because he is too afraid to reach out and touch her. she isn’t his anymore - hasn’t been for a few years now - but he keeps forgetting. she gazes at him expectantly, and he wonders if there is something else she wants, but it would be wishful thinking for both of them.

“i’m good, too. you know,” teases jooyeon, “the girls really like mblaq.” her eyes twinkle like two little gems (they pull him into the past because this is what they looked like then) as a memorable grin caresses her lips through gentle strokes.

“ah. well…the guys like after school.”

jooyeon finds herself laughing at his stoic answer although her throat feels arid. “i have to go, actually.” the announcement comes after a quick glance at her watch and it would be a lie to claim that it doesn’t bring them relief.

“alright. i’ll see you around.”

“sure thing.”

she walks away (just like she did a number of years prior) and g.o feels his heart thud just a little bit more - just a bit, not that much - against his ribcage.

because now he knows that she is truly out of his reach.

nichkhun/victoria ; remember my name

“i really didn’t mean to call you krystal that one time.”

i called you krystal because you are of so little importance to me and i can’t be bothered to remember you is what victoria hears instead but she responds simply, “i know. i don’t really mind.”

she hates this because his name rings in her head like a fire alarm bell; a constant and never-ending stream of nichkhun in her mind.

“you weren’t angry, right, vic?” asks nichkhun, and even when he isn’t in front of her, she can still see the frown that wrinkles his forehead and the pout of his lips. “of course not, silly.” she hates how coaxing she sounds but she can stand this. just this and just this once.

“can i tell you something?”

her poor, desperate heart pounds because maybe he is finally going to confess that he loves her (with no one else watching, which is the only type of love declaration that matters) and this is what she’s been waiting for ever since they met.

“sure,” victoria answers, a sudden influx of excitement deluging her body.

“i think krystal is pretty cute.”

she immediately bursts into laughter, though it scratches and claws at her ears because this is wrong. “she isn’t legal yet, you pedophile! we’ll have to discuss this again in a few years’ time.” all the while, she rummages in the desk drawer for a bottle of glue that she knows sulli stuffed inside.

(she has some variety show to record in the morning and she can’t exactly go with a heart crushed in little pieces, now, can she?)

eunhyuk/hyoyeon ; empty space

hyoyeon plasters her back to the wall, out of breath and drained after running through numerous dance routines. “here,” says sooyoung as she tosses a water bottle to her band mate before exiting the room.

“ah,” grunts hyoyeon as she stretches her sore, overworked muscles.

the door suddenly yawns open to reveal a long-limbed yet sturdy figure. “oh, you’re in here!” exclaims eunhyuk. “i’m so sorry. i thought the room was empty.” he is about to retreat (too awkward, even after six years, still too much to handle) but she clears her throat.

and she gives him a smile that is so stunning it hurts. “it’s okay,” hyoyeon reassures him. “i’m done here. i’ll be on my way out.” she stands up, flattens her palms against her pants and walks toward the door - toward him - but he tugs on her hand.


“yes, eunhyuk-oppa?”

she never calls him hyukjae anymore. maybe it hurts her but it hurts him, too.

he lets her wrist go and watches as it hits her thigh with an inaudible thud. “nothing,” murmurs eunhyuk (there really is nothing because everything is gone) without looking her in the eye. he feels her gaze on him, silently imploring him to say more.

but there is nothing to say because he cannot say what she wants to hear.

“oh. okay, then. bye!” hyoyeon waves awkwardly in his face before squeezing past him (bye i hope you are successful with super junior but they both cried six years ago) and out the door. before she strides off, she glances at him and smiles again.

he sees their past in her eyes but there is no trace of a future.

jonghyun/jessica ; returning broken

jessica isn’t used to this. she isn’t used to begging for a man’s affection because she has always had it easy; because everyone else has always wanted her. she is the ice princess for god’s sake. someone of supposedly regal status shouldn’t have to grovel and beg.

“i can’t see you tonight. i’m busy,” snaps jonghyun brusquely (again) and it stings just a little bit more than yesterday. she wants to appear strong, to say it’s fine i don’t need you but what comes out in place of it is please.

this is not okay, this is not who she is, but she does it anyway.

“i can’t, ‘sica. you know how busy i am. don’t you get me at all?”

jessica swallows a lump in her throat (as she always does, all day, every day) and nods. “okay,” she relinquishes. “i get it.” when he glares at her she quivers under his gaze because he looks bothered. she hates it when he gets angry at her because all she wants is to make him happy but it’s never enough.

she wants - needs - him to tell her that she means something to him. that she isn’t a porcelain doll he plays with when he’s bored and discards when he’s fascinated by another object.

“are you upset?” jonghyun demands, flicking her chin up with his finger. she shakes her head no because she doesn’t want to be querulous.

“good.” his aggression noticeably lessens as he brushes his fingers across her collarbone, exposed by her oversized t-shirt. “hey. i’m sorry, alright?” nodding against his shoulder, jessica says, “okay.”

(this happens every fucking time. he gets off easy and she is the one who shatters but keeps coming back.)

yonghwa/seohyun ; it’s all so easy

yonghwa peeks at her from the corner of his eye and finds that a pair of brown orbs are gazing at him, too, hidden by a fringe of dark lashes. “what’re you looking at?” he ribs, playfully nudging (careful to conceal the electricity running through his veins) her with his shoulder.

“nothing.” she blushes a deep pink.

“you were checking me out, right?”

giggling, seohyun smacks his arm. “oppa,” she whines, “it’s nothing like that.” her hand extends upward to brush stray hair off her face (he would do it for her but he knows how cautious she is so he keeps his hands to himself) but her cell phone rings. she answers it.

“hello. oh, manager-oppa! really? wow, this is great. yes. okay.”

she hangs up on her manager with a brilliant, winsome smile illuminating her face. yonnghwa tries to sound nonchalant as he asks, “who was that?”

“my manager, obviously. he told me that I’ll be doing a duet with kyuhyun-oppa for our smtown concert.”

the previous tingle that flooded his body, the one that made his head light and toes twitch, instantly changes to one akin to cold steel. “you really like this guy, don’t you?” he beams (it’s easy to hide things from someone so oblivious) as convincingly as he can.

“to be honest,” admits seohyun dreamily, since she considers him as more of a confidante than a ‘husband’, “i’ve had a crush on him since forever.” she glances quickly at him and slaps his knee when he sniggers at her.

“that’s real cute, hyun-ah,” yonghwa teases because it’s a lot easier to laugh (to pretend that he is the jokey big brother and not the insanely broken man) than cry.

pairing: g.o/jooyeon, pairing: nichkhun/victoria, pairing: jonghyun/jessica, fandom: mblaq, fandom: f(x), fandom: 2pm, fandom: shinee, pairing: yonghwa/seohyun, fandom: after school, fandom: girls' generation, pairing: eunhyuk/hyoyeon, fandom: super junior, fandom: cnblue

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