
Mar 02, 2007 01:09

First of all: Yay, new layout for my live journal. Also added this program called Adium that is like AIM, only better. My life is now complete.

So spending two weeks being able to do nothing but watch movies and whine does make you think. I am glad that I have good friends. Blake and Skye both made multiple runs to the grocery store for me. Both tolerated a lot of bitching because I felt I was entitled to more than I was.

Eric wins the award for best boyfriend ever. He basically has taken care of me for the past two weeks, including taking me to the emergency room at 4 a.m on Saturday morning. I developed a secondary infection that affected both my ears and my tongue. Yeah. It's that unpleasant. I was in the ER until 2 the next afternoon on morphine drips and varius other medicines.
He didn't leave once. He called into work. He made sure that whenever my IV ran out a nurse got me another one. He felt my hands and feet to make sure I was still warm. he fell asleep in an uncomfortable hospital chair.

He wins life.

(yeah that was all pretty much me bragging, I have an awesome boyfriend).

In sad news...Samoa ice cream seems to be the holy grail. I got one carton while I was very sick. And can't find it now.
I miss it.

I'm very proud of my kids. they really tried at that research paper. And almost all of them got a "u" (for unacceptable). This means if they want a passing grade they HAVE to re-do their papers by Monday.

They recieved this news and looked at me bravely and said "Can we spend Friday in the Library?"
Bless their little hearts.
I really do enjoy teaching every single one of them.

and despite what Mr. Sauter said...I don't think their papers were that bad.
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