Dec 31, 2007 13:07
I'm not really a fan of New Years. The whole holiday has a somewhat melancholy connotation for me. That's probably because I tend to think over the past rather than expect this brilliant and perfect new year. The most clear New Year memory I have is standing on the balcony in front of Rich and Sean's apartment in Metairie with a few snow flurries drifting down. Something about that night sticks with me.
By all accounts 2007 was a pretty intense year for me. The year started off with a new job and, a few months later, being married. A lot of effort went into the home buying process and we've yet to move in or see the fruits of our labor in any concrete way. I guess that guarantees some interesting times in 2008. The funny thing is that for all of these changes, everything is still the same - and for that, I am thankful. I hope to head out to the East Coast this year to visit some dear friends in their natural habitats and catch up on that which needs to be caught up with.
Happy New Years. I miss you all.