Apr 26, 2006 11:37
Water is Wet
For years now scientists have been publishing what I call "water is wet" studies. You know the kind, where you read the conclusions and you think "You had to do a study to find that out?" Well, there seems also to be analogs in news stories. This is a headline I just found on CNN:
Iran 'will harm U.S. interests if attacked'
Supreme leader Ayatollah Khameini issues warning
Jesus Christ, people, did anybody think they wouldn't? Well, maybe those idiots in Washington that thought invading Iraq was such a good idea but we already know they have no connection to the "reality-based community." And they only watch Fox so a headline in CNN won't enlighten them.
I read an analysis of this not long ago. The first thing Iran will do if we attack them is close off the Straits of Hormuz, through which a frighteningly high percentage of our oil has to pass. Think $5 a gallon is high? If they do this, it will seem like a bargain.
And then they'll get serious.