The Official Disclaimer for and Its Subdomains and Associated Sites and Services
This is a personal blog (Weblog) that shows the opinions of the author/s. Many of my/our opinions are not fact-checked. Many are intended for comedy or as an editorial. This blog and all its contents are protected by the Philippine Constitution of the year 1987, under Section 10 of the General Provisions (Article XVI) unless waivered by me/us. This serves both a warning and protection of those who are concerned. You have been duly notified.
Waivers to my/our protection by the Philippine Constitution and other consecuent laws protecting my/our freedom of speech and expression.
My/our coverage to such laws protecting my/our freedom of speech and expression will be waivered when I/we use resources of such establishments (corporate, financial, educational, etc.) ,whose policies enforces hindrance to create some of my/our content to such an extent it violates such policies.
The Official Disclaimer for Comments/TrackBacks Under and Its Subdomains and Associated Sites
This personal blog (weblog) offers a system wherin visitors are given the privilege to react/comment on a particular entry and trackback an entry to serve as reference to his/her/their entry. These comments and trackbacks are not necessarily created by any of the site's authors, administrators, or owners. These does not necessarily reflect the opinions of any of the site's authors, administrators, or owners. I/we are not liable to any of their opinions. So, please, don't sue us.
I/we reserve the right to delete any comment/trackback made on any of my/our entries due to the following:
1. They are intended only to sell products to either us (the authors, administrators, owners) or the visitors. In other words, comment/trackback spam.
2. They are very offending. This is my/our site, my/our property. I can do anything that I could do with it. If the commenter/trackbacker just offends us to the point that it sickens us to our stomachs, we can (and most likely will) delete them.
3. We just don't want it (the comment/trackback).
These comments/trackbacks are also protected by the Philippine Constitution of the year 1987, under Section 10 of the General Provisions (Article XVI) unless waivered due to the above policy or the consequent policies:
The commenter's/trackbacker's coverage to such laws protecting their freedom of speech and expression will be waivered when they use resources of such establishments (corporate, financial, educational, etc.) ,whose policies enforces hindrance to create some of their comment/trackback to such an extent it violates such policies.