(no subject)

Aug 27, 2007 05:33

Standing there, facing the table. Unsure of exactly where I am, so freshly deposited. In my blue Saint's jersey (blue?saints?). Or maybe my Charger jersey. Facing the table.
Eying each one, knowing that we are less than slowly about to revolve around something major. Knowing I am its center.
And then there are strings. And there is violence. Kinetic violence waiting to lightening down around me. The air has grown thick, the tension unavoidable, the apprehension more solid than ever before. Strings, dissonant and high, building. My director is planning, he's climaxing. And I'm facing the table.
"Durk, Durk, Durk" I say, tauntingly. He looks at me bewildered. My lifelong friend, who I do not recognize but know, comes to me. Empathizes. And ignores. (ofcoursetherearestringsofcoursepatonthebackitsok)
They're missing the unbelievable hugeness of this.
There are strings. wake- There is violence. wak- Here it comes.... wake u-
And in a rush of blood, or realization, or consciousness.......
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