over the last two weeks I have completely fallen in love with Prince of Tennis all over again.
I don't know why though^^°
but I really want to do a PoT cosplay right now. But which one? and when? I'd love to do Niou or atobe, or tezuka again...but I also want to do other cosplays...sengoku (whom I planned on cosplaying since october this year and still haven't done^^°), saeki, sanada or shiraishi...
I'm really happy that Xenia (our Tezuka) and me agreed to cosppal PoT at the animagic 2008^^
She will go as Tezuka *_____________* and I will be there as Atobe ^^
that will be so great^^
well on friday I finally got the chance to make some photos wearing my akito/agito cosplay^^
the weather was so horrible XD so once again, great thanks to chibi_su
who took the pictures^^
here are some of them^^